The effect of making the decision to abstain from alcohol is immediate. It may not seem apparent at first, and the outward signs will not change straight away. The first effect, though, is in the mind. It is here, that will determine the success, or failure, of that decision to be released from Alcohol addiction. Alcohol is a drug that is voluntarily fed into the system, by you and you alone.So therefore the option to do, or not to do, is always there to take. As much as it seems impossible to not drink, it is always possible. Determination in the mind, will lead to success in the body. One extremely helpful tool is writing about it.
DIARY/JOURNAL: Detail your journey in either a diary (or journal). Hand write it in a personal book, or type it in a Word Processor. Do not worry if you do not consider yourself a perfect author. Do not concern yourself with how its spelt, or how grammatically correct it is. It is not for publishers eyes, or for an English Exam, it is for you only. Keep a record, and continue to do it daily. Promise yourself that you will add a daily entry, and stick to it. In fact, make this the first entry. "I promise to add to this every day.". The aim of this is not to communicate this to everyone, or anyone. It serves a few purposes. It allows you to off-load all your thoughts, feelings, concerns, reasons, worries, hopes, dreams etc. Having it on paper, somewhere that you can access, means that it isnt in your head anymore. This is not so that you can forget, in fact far from it. You are recording it so that you can read it, and remind yourself, at any time. List out the reasons why you have made the decision, and be truthful. List out what you hope to achieve. List out what worries you. List out the good things that will be achieved by it. When the first entry is complete, sit back, take a deep breath, and feel good. Feel good because you have taken the first step. Feel good because you know what you are doing is right, and feel good because you feel good.
ENTRIES: Get into the habit of adding something every day. Make it a long, or as short as you want it to be. The important thing is not to stop until you have completed all you need. Dont leave anything, in your mind, when it could be recorded. Again, dont try to organise the entry as you add it. let it flow. It may be how you felt today; and this could be good or bad. It is vitally important to not forget to add positive things. In fact maybe have a method for being able highlight these to make them stand out. If you feel proud for not drinking that day, then say so. Underline the entry, and relish in the feeling. If you made a conscious effort to not buy the bottle today, then again, add it. After a while you will look forward to putting these things in, and the advantage is that you will get the benefit twice. You will be re-experiencing, again, the enormous feeling of pride, or self-esteem, you had originally. You will also have a "memory note" for you to come back to, should you need to, or want to. Not all of the entries will be positive. This is something to be prepared for, but do not be afraid about it. The usefulness of writing these down too, is that these negative emotions are blunted slightly by releasing them from inside. You will find as well, that they dont seem as bad, or as big, or a dark, as they did when they only existed in your mind. They wont look as threatening, or as destructive, when they only exist as words on a page. The strategy is to take a deep breath, read over some of the positive entries, to flip your mindset into a more productive mode, and then trying to add a positive "end note" to the negative one. Always write a positive statement at the end, as difficult as it may seem. Some suggestions include "I can succeed, and will", "2 steps forward, and 1 back, still results in progress"
Keeping this journal will,in itself, mean that you a keeping a promise to yourself, made in the very first entry. A promise to control Alcohol, not let Alcohol control you. Take positive feelings from that, and as the days, weeks, months of being Alcohol-free go by, look back and re-read some of the things that helped to get to where you are. It will help you remember the day you made the most important decision of your life. The decision to never drink again.
For more accounts of experiences of a surviving alcoholic, who used this and other techniques, read,;
DIARY/JOURNAL: Detail your journey in either a diary (or journal). Hand write it in a personal book, or type it in a Word Processor. Do not worry if you do not consider yourself a perfect author. Do not concern yourself with how its spelt, or how grammatically correct it is. It is not for publishers eyes, or for an English Exam, it is for you only. Keep a record, and continue to do it daily. Promise yourself that you will add a daily entry, and stick to it. In fact, make this the first entry. "I promise to add to this every day.". The aim of this is not to communicate this to everyone, or anyone. It serves a few purposes. It allows you to off-load all your thoughts, feelings, concerns, reasons, worries, hopes, dreams etc. Having it on paper, somewhere that you can access, means that it isnt in your head anymore. This is not so that you can forget, in fact far from it. You are recording it so that you can read it, and remind yourself, at any time. List out the reasons why you have made the decision, and be truthful. List out what you hope to achieve. List out what worries you. List out the good things that will be achieved by it. When the first entry is complete, sit back, take a deep breath, and feel good. Feel good because you have taken the first step. Feel good because you know what you are doing is right, and feel good because you feel good.
ENTRIES: Get into the habit of adding something every day. Make it a long, or as short as you want it to be. The important thing is not to stop until you have completed all you need. Dont leave anything, in your mind, when it could be recorded. Again, dont try to organise the entry as you add it. let it flow. It may be how you felt today; and this could be good or bad. It is vitally important to not forget to add positive things. In fact maybe have a method for being able highlight these to make them stand out. If you feel proud for not drinking that day, then say so. Underline the entry, and relish in the feeling. If you made a conscious effort to not buy the bottle today, then again, add it. After a while you will look forward to putting these things in, and the advantage is that you will get the benefit twice. You will be re-experiencing, again, the enormous feeling of pride, or self-esteem, you had originally. You will also have a "memory note" for you to come back to, should you need to, or want to. Not all of the entries will be positive. This is something to be prepared for, but do not be afraid about it. The usefulness of writing these down too, is that these negative emotions are blunted slightly by releasing them from inside. You will find as well, that they dont seem as bad, or as big, or a dark, as they did when they only existed in your mind. They wont look as threatening, or as destructive, when they only exist as words on a page. The strategy is to take a deep breath, read over some of the positive entries, to flip your mindset into a more productive mode, and then trying to add a positive "end note" to the negative one. Always write a positive statement at the end, as difficult as it may seem. Some suggestions include "I can succeed, and will", "2 steps forward, and 1 back, still results in progress"
Keeping this journal will,in itself, mean that you a keeping a promise to yourself, made in the very first entry. A promise to control Alcohol, not let Alcohol control you. Take positive feelings from that, and as the days, weeks, months of being Alcohol-free go by, look back and re-read some of the things that helped to get to where you are. It will help you remember the day you made the most important decision of your life. The decision to never drink again.
For more accounts of experiences of a surviving alcoholic, who used this and other techniques, read,;