Brain cancer is one of the most life threatening diseases which has affected massive populations around the globe. The central nervous system contains different types of cells that performs different functions for all the vital activities of human body, sometimes these cells grow peculiarly and forms a big mass. This big mass is also known as malignant tumor which may or may not be malignant. Any specific reason has not been found yet for this killer ailment, as it can occur in any age group, but prevention, diagnosis and effective cure techniques can help a patient to lead a better life.
Different kinds of treatments have been discovered by research and devolvement centers for Brain Cancer Treatment, these treatments are carried out by different Cancer Care hospitals under direction of professional doctors, medical specialists, physicians and oncologists. According to general health fitness and age are, different treatments are advised for successful remedy. Some of the popular and effective healing techniques for Brain Cancer Treatment are described below:
Surgery for brain tumor
When cells divide irregularly in central spinal canal and forms cancerous tumor, then surgery is advised at initial stage to remove the tumor. It is performed alone or combination with radiation technique and chemotherapy. At advanced stage, tumor may spread to other parts of body, so oncologist performs craniotomy procedure during surgery in which hole is created in cranium, and through this opening or hole tumor is excised. If malignant tumor is formed near vital tissues of brain, then partial removal is advised otherwise whole tumor is removed.
Radiation therapy
This is one of the most conventional methods which has been popular from many years. This effective and successful Brain Cancer Treatment is used in various world class Cancer Care hospitals. This is a technique in which beam is exposed on infected cancerous cells to block the further growth of malignant cells, so that it cannot breed to other adjacent parts of the body. The radiation therapy has two types; one is external beam therapy and another is internal beam therapy. These two methods are implemented according to type and stage of melanoma tumor.
This is another famous healing techniques which is advised alone or combination with surgery and radiation therapy for effective and better result. Combinations of different drugs are injected externally in nerve or given orally to reduce the effect of cancerous cells. Early diagnoses and proper treatment in all Cancer Care hospitals may help to overcome with brain cancer fear.
Proton therapy
This is the most innovative and effective technique which is suggested in advanced stage of brain cancer. In this technique, highly energetic and movable particles are exposed by proton accelerator machine on affected area to kill the melanoma cells. It doesnâEUR(TM)t harm any adjacent and healthy cells and has very less harmful effect after healing procedure.
<b summary>
There are four stages of brain cancer; the stage four is metastatic stage where survival rate is very less. The diagnosis at early stage, by CT scan, Biopsy and MR test may detect the accurate position, type and stage of tumor and also calculates the survival rate of patient. Precise and accurate Brain Cancer Treatment at initial stage in the best Cancer Care clinics may save a patient to some extent.
Different kinds of treatments have been discovered by research and devolvement centers for Brain Cancer Treatment, these treatments are carried out by different Cancer Care hospitals under direction of professional doctors, medical specialists, physicians and oncologists. According to general health fitness and age are, different treatments are advised for successful remedy. Some of the popular and effective healing techniques for Brain Cancer Treatment are described below:
Surgery for brain tumor
When cells divide irregularly in central spinal canal and forms cancerous tumor, then surgery is advised at initial stage to remove the tumor. It is performed alone or combination with radiation technique and chemotherapy. At advanced stage, tumor may spread to other parts of body, so oncologist performs craniotomy procedure during surgery in which hole is created in cranium, and through this opening or hole tumor is excised. If malignant tumor is formed near vital tissues of brain, then partial removal is advised otherwise whole tumor is removed.
Radiation therapy
This is one of the most conventional methods which has been popular from many years. This effective and successful Brain Cancer Treatment is used in various world class Cancer Care hospitals. This is a technique in which beam is exposed on infected cancerous cells to block the further growth of malignant cells, so that it cannot breed to other adjacent parts of the body. The radiation therapy has two types; one is external beam therapy and another is internal beam therapy. These two methods are implemented according to type and stage of melanoma tumor.
This is another famous healing techniques which is advised alone or combination with surgery and radiation therapy for effective and better result. Combinations of different drugs are injected externally in nerve or given orally to reduce the effect of cancerous cells. Early diagnoses and proper treatment in all Cancer Care hospitals may help to overcome with brain cancer fear.
Proton therapy
This is the most innovative and effective technique which is suggested in advanced stage of brain cancer. In this technique, highly energetic and movable particles are exposed by proton accelerator machine on affected area to kill the melanoma cells. It doesnâEUR(TM)t harm any adjacent and healthy cells and has very less harmful effect after healing procedure.
<b summary>
There are four stages of brain cancer; the stage four is metastatic stage where survival rate is very less. The diagnosis at early stage, by CT scan, Biopsy and MR test may detect the accurate position, type and stage of tumor and also calculates the survival rate of patient. Precise and accurate Brain Cancer Treatment at initial stage in the best Cancer Care clinics may save a patient to some extent.