Health & Medical Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes Through Lifestyle Changes

Reversing Diabetes is often considered difficult, if not impossible.
But it is possible to reverse Type 2 Diabetes through some changes in your lifestyle.
The effect of the reversal will mean less dependency on medication.
This approach will also ensure that you will feel less tired (which means that you will be more energetic) and experience a significant improvement in your overall health.
Reversing diabetes can be achieved through weight loss.
Losing weight will have a salutary effect on your blood sugar levels.
While some people may be able to discontinue medication, most will be able to reduce the dosage of the drugs they have been taking to keep the blood sugar levels from going up.
However, any decision to decrease in the dosage of medicines or stopping the medicines altogether will have to be taken by the physician.
When you experience a significant drop in your blood sugar levels, seek the advice of your doctor, who will guide you appropriately.
Some doctors may like to be cautious and advise continuation of the medication at the prescribed dosage for some more time till they are satisfied that the improvement seen in the reversal of diabetes will be long lasting.
As you may know, Obesity often leads to the development of Type 2 Diabetes.
When you take foods rich in carbohydrates and fats (either saturated or trans) but low in fiber and essentials minerals and vitamins, it leads to an increase in insulin levels in your blood.
Fat begins to accumulate in areas around your stomach resulting in the development of your belly.
The increase in weight and the increase in insulin in your blood make your body cells resistant to insulin.
Resistance to insulin results in an increase in the blood sugar levels, especially after you take your food.
The pancreas reacts to the higher blood sugar levels by generating more insulin thus completing the vicious circle.
High sugar content will make you feel depleted and tired while the high insulin in your blood will induce hunger.
The result of these two stimuli will be overeating and felling lethargic.
Excess consumption of food, decreased activity caused by lethargy and increased insulin levels in your blood will make you gain more weight on the one hand and increase the insulin resistance of your body cells on the other.
The insulin resistance by the cells, in turn, will trigger production of more insulin by your pancreas.
At one stage, the beta cells of the pancreas which produce insulin will be damaged due to increased pressure on them to produce insulin.
With the production of insulin affected due to the beta cells getting damaged, blood sugar levels rise more steeply resulting in the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination beginning to appear.
Obviously, reversing Type 2 Diabetes will be possible only if the vicious cycle described above is broken.
The best way to do this is to effect a change in your diet that will help reduce the strain on the insulin producing cells.
You can do this by choosing a diet that is low in carbohydrates.
This will ensure that the process of absorbing carbohydrates into your body is slowed down thereby preventing the weight gain and the increase in your blood sugar levels taking place.
The phenomenon of your blood sugar levels increasing steeply after ingesting your food will be arrested thereby stopping the urge felt by your pancreas to produce more insulin.
The vicious circle will thus be broken and the Diabetes condition will be reversed.
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