- Ask your dentist if he can offer you a payment plan. Both dentists and medical providers tend to ask for upfront payment for services; however, if you've been a patient, or can assure the dentist you can afford the payment schedule, you may be able to work out a payment plan.
- Contact Care Credit, All Care Patient Financing, Chase Health Advantage or speak to your dentist regarding available dental financing plans. (see Resources) These plans will set you up with a line of credit that you can use to pay for your dental services and then make payments to the financing company.
- Contact your local health department, and ask for references to nearby dental clinics or dental care programs for the indigent if you are low income. Call any local colleges with dental programs to see if dental care is offered at low or no cost. Dental students and dental hygiene students practice on people while in school, and this can be very beneficial and at very low cost, for those in need of dental care.
- Apply for Medicaid or Medicare. You must meet eligibility requirements for each program. Your local health department will provide you with the contact information to apply for Medicaid. Medicaid will provide dental care to children only. Medicare may provide limited dental coverage to those over the age of 65.
Payment Plan
Financing Plan
Dental Clinics
Medicaid & Medicare