Succeeding in Network Marketing may come down to one thing and one thing only...removing the limit you place on yourself when you decide to "dip your toe in the water" and join the ranks of those looking for the financial holy grail.
What do I mean by placing limits on yourself? Well, I'm not talking so much about the self limiting beliefs most of us need to work through but more the financial restraints we "leg iron" ourselves with before we even start the business.
The Dreaded MLM Limit!
Be honest with yourself... did you have a figure in your head about how much you were really ready to risk before you bailed out of your opportunity? What chance have you given yourself of succeeding in network marketing when you have placed a conscious limit on yourself before you even start?
It's like a black cloud hovering over you because your mindset is already one of failure and probably the best thing you can do is to try and reach that limit as quickly as possible so you can move on.
That sounds a little harsh I know but it happened to me and it's happened to the majority of people trying to succeed in network marketing.
No matter how much desire and goal training you get designed to get you through the tough times, when you have arrived at that magical limit, no amount of persuasion from your upline is going to convince you to stay in the game.
Avoid Becoming An MLM Statistic
So how can you get around this and avoid hitting that limit? How can you avoid joining the ugly statistic which sees the majority of MLM'ers bail out of their business within the first 90 days? need to be attracting the right people who are beating a path to your business door. You're probably thinking..."this guy is crazy; nobody beats a path to your door wanting to join your network marketing business... do they?"
Here are my three vital components to succeeding in network marketing in today's online dominated environment:
1. To avoid reaching your dreaded cash limit, you need to be using a marketing system which produces income for you almost on a daily basis.
3. Exclusive leads. I'm not talking about buying leads, even from a reputable lead supplier and there are some pretty good ones out there, but generating your own exclusive leads on a regular basis.
3. Learn the right skills needed for succeeding in network marketing. Yes, despite what you're told about this business being suitable for everyone, just beware, without the the skills required to attract people to your opportunity and positioning yourself as a target for your prospects to seek out, you are doomed to fail.
What do I mean by placing limits on yourself? Well, I'm not talking so much about the self limiting beliefs most of us need to work through but more the financial restraints we "leg iron" ourselves with before we even start the business.
The Dreaded MLM Limit!
Be honest with yourself... did you have a figure in your head about how much you were really ready to risk before you bailed out of your opportunity? What chance have you given yourself of succeeding in network marketing when you have placed a conscious limit on yourself before you even start?
It's like a black cloud hovering over you because your mindset is already one of failure and probably the best thing you can do is to try and reach that limit as quickly as possible so you can move on.
That sounds a little harsh I know but it happened to me and it's happened to the majority of people trying to succeed in network marketing.
No matter how much desire and goal training you get designed to get you through the tough times, when you have arrived at that magical limit, no amount of persuasion from your upline is going to convince you to stay in the game.
Avoid Becoming An MLM Statistic
So how can you get around this and avoid hitting that limit? How can you avoid joining the ugly statistic which sees the majority of MLM'ers bail out of their business within the first 90 days? need to be attracting the right people who are beating a path to your business door. You're probably thinking..."this guy is crazy; nobody beats a path to your door wanting to join your network marketing business... do they?"
Here are my three vital components to succeeding in network marketing in today's online dominated environment:
1. To avoid reaching your dreaded cash limit, you need to be using a marketing system which produces income for you almost on a daily basis.
3. Exclusive leads. I'm not talking about buying leads, even from a reputable lead supplier and there are some pretty good ones out there, but generating your own exclusive leads on a regular basis.
3. Learn the right skills needed for succeeding in network marketing. Yes, despite what you're told about this business being suitable for everyone, just beware, without the the skills required to attract people to your opportunity and positioning yourself as a target for your prospects to seek out, you are doomed to fail.