One of the reasons for messy divorces is the actual division of the divorce property.
When the total assets are especially valuable, both parties fight hard to get what is rightfully theirs.
This is where 'fighting dirty' begins.
Character assassination, blackmails, exaggerations, and any other game in the book are used by lawyers just so they can get what their clients deserve.
This is a very stressful time for you and if you could do one thing to make all of this better, wouldn't you do it? Making a little sacrifice will yield unbelievable results - a quicker divorce and even a fair division of the total assets.
Keeping a positive attitude despite the mess of the divorce and the division of divorce property will be very helpful.
This can lead to a quick divorce with a result more advantageous to you.
So what would 'keeping a positive attitude' entail? This would entail practicing good behavior in the court.
Be present in all the court hearings.
Be presentable and respectable in your wardrobe and overall demeanor.
Be especially respectful to the judge.
When asked to speak, speak calmly and avoid nasty side comments pertaining to your ex.
Keeping this positive attitude and behavior makes you look like a capable and more importantly a deserving person.
Your perfect behavior will only highlight the other party's otherwise distasteful conduct.
Keeping this positive attitude yields a positive result.
With your very agreeable behavior, your divorce lawyer will be able to communicate your case thoroughly to the judge.
The judge likewise will hear your side objectively and fairly.
Keeping a positive attitude is basically a strategy you use in court.
You present a respectable front in the face of authority, and as you well know, good behavior is always rewarded.
But while our agenda is primarily to get what you deserve from your total assets and divorce property, that's not to say playing nice doesn't serve another purpose.
Being on your best behavior also makes communication with the other party more tolerable.
Keeping that positive attitude is indeed very rewarding.
You may even end up communicating very well with the other party - you would be able to achieve an out of court settlement.
Divorce in itself is stressful enough but the division of divorce property doubles your stress.
Take the time and effort to uphold a positive front.
A little good behavior goes a long way.
When the total assets are especially valuable, both parties fight hard to get what is rightfully theirs.
This is where 'fighting dirty' begins.
Character assassination, blackmails, exaggerations, and any other game in the book are used by lawyers just so they can get what their clients deserve.
This is a very stressful time for you and if you could do one thing to make all of this better, wouldn't you do it? Making a little sacrifice will yield unbelievable results - a quicker divorce and even a fair division of the total assets.
Keeping a positive attitude despite the mess of the divorce and the division of divorce property will be very helpful.
This can lead to a quick divorce with a result more advantageous to you.
So what would 'keeping a positive attitude' entail? This would entail practicing good behavior in the court.
Be present in all the court hearings.
Be presentable and respectable in your wardrobe and overall demeanor.
Be especially respectful to the judge.
When asked to speak, speak calmly and avoid nasty side comments pertaining to your ex.
Keeping this positive attitude and behavior makes you look like a capable and more importantly a deserving person.
Your perfect behavior will only highlight the other party's otherwise distasteful conduct.
Keeping this positive attitude yields a positive result.
With your very agreeable behavior, your divorce lawyer will be able to communicate your case thoroughly to the judge.
The judge likewise will hear your side objectively and fairly.
Keeping a positive attitude is basically a strategy you use in court.
You present a respectable front in the face of authority, and as you well know, good behavior is always rewarded.
But while our agenda is primarily to get what you deserve from your total assets and divorce property, that's not to say playing nice doesn't serve another purpose.
Being on your best behavior also makes communication with the other party more tolerable.
Keeping that positive attitude is indeed very rewarding.
You may even end up communicating very well with the other party - you would be able to achieve an out of court settlement.
Divorce in itself is stressful enough but the division of divorce property doubles your stress.
Take the time and effort to uphold a positive front.
A little good behavior goes a long way.