In the past, vitamins have been available in a dizzying array of multi-colored tablets and capsules.
These days, those little round or bullet-shaped miracle pills have had to make way on pharmacy and nutrition center shelves for their liquid counterparts.
You may have heard of some of these products, such as Vemma, VitaComplete and LiquiVive.
If so, you may be wondering if there really are any advantages to taking the liquid form of supplements and if liquid supplements are an improvement over traditional pills.
One of the main benefits of getting your vitamin supplements in liquid form is the absorption rate.
Various studies indicate that the rate of absorption of liquid supplements can run as high as 98 percent.
In other words, the body derives the necessary nutrients from the supplement almost as soon as the product is ingested.
Pills, on the other hand, are much more difficult for the body to digest.
The absorption rate is much lower, somewhere in the neighborhood of about 5 to 10 percent.
When your body absorbs nutrients faster, you experience higher energy levels and increased overall health.
The fact that liquid supplements are more easily digested is an added boon for the body.
It's common for people to be hesitant about taking supplements, often because the idea of swallowing large pills is somewhat intimidating.
Images of gagging, choking and painful swallowing associated with past pill experiences often prevent us from getting the nutrients we need from supplements.
However, if you are like most people, your diet doesn't provide all the nutrients and vitamins you need.
The result is that you aren't as healthy as you could be.
That's where liquid supplements come in.
Because they are in liquid form, these supplements can either be taken as-is or mixed in with your favorite beverage or cereal.
Liquid vitamin supplements are jam-packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C.
When you don't get the recommended amount of these kinds of vitamins, you are more susceptible to poor health.
Taking vitamin supplements that are rich in antioxidants has been shown to be one of the best defenses against cancer.
An easy way to get all of the antioxidants your body needs is to get them through liquid vitamin supplements.
You may be asking yourself how liquid supplements compare with traditional vitamins in terms of cost.
Think of it this way: Because traditional vitamins are absorbed into the body so slowly and all that is not absorbed is expelled, money is literally going down the drain.
You also should remember that when pills are not absorbed by the body, they remain in small chunks in the body until they are expelled.
As long as these chunks remain in the body, they run the risk of getting stuck, a potentially serious health hazard.
In short, liquid vitamin supplements are beneficial in a number of ways.
They provide a very effective, easy, safe and inexpensive way for you to provide your body with all the daily nutrients and vitamins it needs.
Your body will use the supplements to remain in good, working order for as long as possible.
These days, those little round or bullet-shaped miracle pills have had to make way on pharmacy and nutrition center shelves for their liquid counterparts.
You may have heard of some of these products, such as Vemma, VitaComplete and LiquiVive.
If so, you may be wondering if there really are any advantages to taking the liquid form of supplements and if liquid supplements are an improvement over traditional pills.
One of the main benefits of getting your vitamin supplements in liquid form is the absorption rate.
Various studies indicate that the rate of absorption of liquid supplements can run as high as 98 percent.
In other words, the body derives the necessary nutrients from the supplement almost as soon as the product is ingested.
Pills, on the other hand, are much more difficult for the body to digest.
The absorption rate is much lower, somewhere in the neighborhood of about 5 to 10 percent.
When your body absorbs nutrients faster, you experience higher energy levels and increased overall health.
The fact that liquid supplements are more easily digested is an added boon for the body.
It's common for people to be hesitant about taking supplements, often because the idea of swallowing large pills is somewhat intimidating.
Images of gagging, choking and painful swallowing associated with past pill experiences often prevent us from getting the nutrients we need from supplements.
However, if you are like most people, your diet doesn't provide all the nutrients and vitamins you need.
The result is that you aren't as healthy as you could be.
That's where liquid supplements come in.
Because they are in liquid form, these supplements can either be taken as-is or mixed in with your favorite beverage or cereal.
Liquid vitamin supplements are jam-packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C.
When you don't get the recommended amount of these kinds of vitamins, you are more susceptible to poor health.
Taking vitamin supplements that are rich in antioxidants has been shown to be one of the best defenses against cancer.
An easy way to get all of the antioxidants your body needs is to get them through liquid vitamin supplements.
You may be asking yourself how liquid supplements compare with traditional vitamins in terms of cost.
Think of it this way: Because traditional vitamins are absorbed into the body so slowly and all that is not absorbed is expelled, money is literally going down the drain.
You also should remember that when pills are not absorbed by the body, they remain in small chunks in the body until they are expelled.
As long as these chunks remain in the body, they run the risk of getting stuck, a potentially serious health hazard.
In short, liquid vitamin supplements are beneficial in a number of ways.
They provide a very effective, easy, safe and inexpensive way for you to provide your body with all the daily nutrients and vitamins it needs.
Your body will use the supplements to remain in good, working order for as long as possible.