Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

How to Determine the Weight Distribution for Hitches

    • 1). Park the trailer on level ground and chock the tires.

    • 2). Calculate the trailer's mass by adding the gross trailer weight, or GTW, to the cargo mass. The trailer's weight will be printed on the data plate under GTW and the cargo's mass can be guesstimated.

    • 3). Figure out the ideal hitch weight by multiplying the trailer's weight by 0.125. The answer is the ideal weight but can vary in either direction by 2.5 per cent of the total weight.

    • 4). Stack wooden blocks under the trailer's tongue and install the scale so that the trailer's tongue rests on the scale.

    • 5). Read the weight on the scale's gauge. If the weight is higher than the number calculated in step three move some cargo behind the axle. If the weight is lower than the number move some cargo in front of the axle. Repeat this step until the ideal weight is reached.

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