Business & Finance Small Business

Getting Your Facebook Page Launched - Don"t Give Up!

Many of us will remember the moral of the story about the tortoise and the hare, even if we don't remember the details of the story: slow and steady wins the race.
While slow and steady may not seem to fit in our fast paced world, sometimes it does.
For instance, in a world where instant gratification is sometimes par for the course we can forget that some things really only do come to those who wait.
Make that, those who wait and work hard to achieve the goal or vision they have in mind.
For small businesses this waiting game can be extremely stressful.
We invest a lot of time, often money, and usually long hours in building a business that we are convinced given time will be successful.
When results don't come as quickly as we like it can be disheartening to say the least.
But the truth is: time is usually needed along with our best efforts to product results, particularly long-term sustainable results.
Facebook is no different.
For most of us, it takes time, hard work, attention to detail coupled with perseverance to build a following.
It doesn't happen overnight! Unfortunately, often in our attempt to handle all our various responsibilities, we don't invest the time and attention needed to not only launch our Facebook Page but to keep it continuing to grow and develop.
It's understandable really but understandable or not it means that all our earlier efforts and any initial capital we expended are in vain if we don't steadfastly work the plan.
Facebook offers small business a tremendous tool to grow our network of potential clients and expand our influence with existing clients.
This can have a positive impact on our bottom line over time.
A small capital investment is required if you have a custom landing page or pages designed for you; or if you hire someone to oversee your Facebook activity and if you decide to advertise on Facebook.
The bigger cost is the ongoing and long-term investment of time and energy - yours or someone else's.
But a Page without the investment of manpower to maintain it and keep it going and growing is a waste of precious time and energy.
A resource most small business owners have little of to spare.
A neglected Facebook Page may also reflect poorly on our business.
Once you've committed to a Facebook Page for your business, press on and press in.
Give it time to work and give it the attention it needs.
Post regularly.
Respond to fan comments and inquiries.
Look for ways to engage and inform your fans by posting information that is helpful, valuable and/or interesting to those who follow you.
Persevere, engage and adapt where needed.
If fans are never responding to your posts find out why.
There are usually a few friends in amongst most of our fans.
Ask them for feedback on how you might improve your page.
Hiring a professional to design a custom Facebook landing page is another way to add value.
But far more important is the time and energy you use to post good content and look for ways to connect with and engage your followers.
A fabulous looking landing page may have lots of people 'liking' your page but will rarely help you build your fan base if you are not actively posting content that engages the attention of your fans.
For small business the opportunities that Facebook presents are significant.
But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day!
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