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Reduce, Reuse, Recyclea blue recycle symbol image by wayne ruston from Fotolia.com
Gather paper from your recycle bin that's only printed on one side. Trim the papers to your desired size with the craft knife and ruler. Stack the paper plain side up. - 2). Cut the heavy weight cardboard to fit as a cover around the papers. Decorate the cardboard cover by adhering decorative paper, magazine photos, etc. to the outside, and let it dry completely.
- 3). Measure and mark the width of the spine on the inside of the cardboard cover, and gently score it with the craft knife. Fold the cover to fit around the papers.
- 4). Measure and mark where you will be making the holes for your binding. Measure 5/8 of an inch from the top and bottom edges and 1 inch from the spine edge. Make two more marks an equal distance between the top and bottom marks.
- 5). Use the awl and mallet to pierce holes through the cover and sheets of paper on those marks.
- 6). Thread the needle and knot the tail of the thread.
- 7). Place your book face down and starting at the second hole from the right, push the needle up through the paper. You want to hide the knotted end of the string inside the book.
- 8). Bring the needle to the front of the book and back up through the same hole. Pull the thread tight.
- 9). Insert the needle in the hole to the left of the hole you just pulled the needle up through. Push the needle down through all the papers, wrap the spines and push the needle back up through the same hole.
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Continue to the outer edge of the book and repeat back to the other end. Feed your needle up and down through the holes and wrap the thread on the spine until you return to the original hole on which you started binding. - 11
Bring the needle around, stitch like you are picking up a thread and pull it into a tight knot.