- 1). Decide if your plant needs pruning. The criteria for pruning includes more than 1 1/2-inch stem diameter with plant height of more than 2 feet above the soil. If the plant has not reached these dimensions, pinch the end off each shoot. This will promote growth and encourage branching. For larger Jatrophas, prune branches that go beyond 6 feet tall, the ideal size for a Jatropha Podagrica plant.
- 2). Cut away any dead or diseased stems. Cut the stems away with a good clean sharp knife at a 45-degree angle. Be careful not to split the branches or bark while cutting. This can damage the plant.
- 3). Remove the old leaves from the pruned stem.
- 4). Cover the cut stumps of the plant with soil to prevent loss of moisture and fungal attack.
- 5). Put all the pruned sections around the stump as mulch. Throw away diseased or damaged parts of the plant.