What's Happening in December in Spain?:
Christmas is the biggest lure in December in Spain, with Madrid and Barcelona unsurprisingly the focus of the activity.
If you know you'll be visiting Madrid or Barcelona, check out these lists instead:
Main article: Christmas in Spain
There will be Christmas markets all over Spain throughout the month, with the bigger ones in the larger cities.
There is a website for the Barcelona Christmas Market. There are some interesting traditions in Barcelona, including the Tió de Nadal, also someone crudely known as "Cagatio", which means "shitlog", as he is supposed to "shit" your presents for you. I don't think this particular Christmas tradition will be appearing in any Coca-Cola commercials any time soon. See also: Christmas 2013 in Madrid
<< November Festivals in Spain -- January Festivals in Spain >>
Christmas is the biggest lure in December in Spain, with Madrid and Barcelona unsurprisingly the focus of the activity.
If you know you'll be visiting Madrid or Barcelona, check out these lists instead:
Christmas in Spain
Main article: Christmas in Spain
There will be Christmas markets all over Spain throughout the month, with the bigger ones in the larger cities.
There is a website for the Barcelona Christmas Market. There are some interesting traditions in Barcelona, including the Tió de Nadal, also someone crudely known as "Cagatio", which means "shitlog", as he is supposed to "shit" your presents for you. I don't think this particular Christmas tradition will be appearing in any Coca-Cola commercials any time soon. See also: Christmas 2013 in Madrid
- November 6 - December 8, 2014
Event World Press Photo Exhibition 2014
Where? CCCB in Barcelona.
What? Exhibition of photojournalism. - Until December 23, 2014
Event Feria de Belen de Sevilla
Where? Around Seville Cathedral
What? Buy or browse nativity scenes.
- December 2 - 7, 2014
EventSICAB International Horse Fair
Where? Seville
What? Equestrian fair.
- December 5-20, 2014
EventEls Grans del Gospel
Where? Barcelona
What? Gospel festival.
- December 9, 2014
Where? Everywhere but particularly Seville
What? Religious ceremony. Christmas starts here!
- December 11, 2014
Event'Noche Vieja Universitaria'
What? University New Year's Eve. The city's students get together to celebrate New Year's Eve early, before returning to their families to celebrate the real thing. In 2011 there was a tapas fair in the streets of Salamanca.
- December 12-16, 2014
EventFestival de Gospel y Negro Spirituals
Where? Madrid
What? Gospel Festival.
- December 21, 2014
Event Winter solstice
Where? All over Spain.
What? Bonfires in Robledo de Chavela (near Madrid), Olombrada (near Segovia), Castrillo de Don Juan (near Palencia) and Viniegra de Abajo (near La Rioja).
- December 21, 2014
EventBuff Epic Run
Where? Montjuic hill in Barcelona
What? Costume fun run.
- December 22, 2014
EventChristmas Lottery in Spain - 'El Gordo'
Where? All over Spain
What? El Gordo, the massive Spanish lottery, is drawn. This lottery is so big, they start selling tickets in August!
- December 22, 2013 (TBC) (date TBC; usually last Sunday before Christmas)
EventMigas festival
Where? Torrax
What? A celebration of the traditional fried breadcrumbs meal, in Torrax, Costa del Sol. See pictures here: Pictures from Migas festival
- December 24, 2014
EventChristmas Eve in Spain
Where? All over Spain.
What? A far bigger event than Christmas Day. Most Spaniards spend the evening with the families. Expect most shops to close early on the 24th and remain closed until the morning of the 26th.
- December 25, 2014
EventChristmas Day in Spain
Where? All over Spain
What? A quiet day, with most shops closed, though many bars open in the afternoon.
- December 26, 2014
EventPolar Bear Swim
Where? Gibraltar
What? A bracing swim in the chilly Strait of Gibraltar.
- December 28, 2014
EventEl Baile de los Locos y del Oso
Where? Fuete Carreteros, near Cordoba.
What? Musketeers, dancing swordsmen and a man dressed as a bear in this local festival.
- December 28, 2014
EventSantos Inocentes
Where? All over Spain
What? Spain's version of April Fools' Day.
- December 28, 2014
What? Flour fight in Ibi, near Alicante. Click on the link for the amazing pictures.
- CANCELLED 2014 (to return 2015)
EventDe Cajon Flamenco Festival
Where? Barcelona
What? Popular flamenco festival.
- December 28, 2013 (TBC)
EventVerdiales festival
Where? Malaga
What? Verdiales is a form of flamenco.
- December 31, 2014
Event Fun runs.
Where? Madrid and Barcelona.
What? Fun Runs take place in Madrid and Barcelona. Madrid has the San Silvestre Vallecana and Barcelona has the Cursa dels Nassos. See the Cursa dels Nassos race route.
- December 31, 2014
EventNew Year's Eve (Nochevieja)
Where? All over Spain
What? Get twelve grapes and eat them with the gongs at midnight. Unlike in other countries, the Spanish tend to go out after midnight, spending midnight with family friends before the bars open a little later. The alternative is to go to the main square, where there will be a big crowd.
<< November Festivals in Spain -- January Festivals in Spain >>