Business & Finance Small Business

The Key Benefits Of Working From Home

I like the idea of being able to choose when you work.
There is no 9-5.
If you are a morning person you can work in the morning, if you are a night person you can work at 2am! You can work when you want to and choose not to work when you don't.
In this day and age the technology is available to able to work 24x7.
If you focus you can finish work early if you want to.
If you own your own business you don't have a boss to answer too.
One of the reasons why I decided to start my own business from home was because I didn't really like having a boss.
I hated having to do things that I didn't want to do, and let's face it that happens all the time when you work for somebody else - you have no choice!! Although when you run your own business from home you have to be your own boss - you actually do need to do some work! 3.
These days there is a lot of talk about getting the right work/life balance.
Unfortunately, most people probably have more emphasis on work than life.
If you work for yourself you can focus on getting your work/life balance tipped the right way.
You have the control and nobody else can tell you what to do.
No commuting - if you work from home your commute is just 5 minutes - to the kitchen to make a coffee or tea then straight to the office!Just think no more sitting in traffic jams for hours at a time.
Unfortunately my husband has to commute for 2 hours each day; this is something that he doesn't enjoy.
One of the aims of our business is to grow it very quickly so that he can retire from his current place of work and join me in the business.
With our wealth creation strategies in place I can see that this will happen quickly.
When you work for yourself you are free to do things in office hours i.
kid's school events.
I didn't realise how much flexibility was important until I had a child.
I can only imagine how stressful and difficult it is to juggle your work and still be there for your children.
I'm fortunate in that I don't have to do that, this is why I love working from home! 6.
Here in the UK we don't get a huge amount of sunshine but when we do I really want to enjoy it.
I used to be stuck in an office, looking out of the windows wishing I was outside.
When the sun shines now I take my laptop outside and sit in the sun and work.
You can even take an impromptu day off.
I think you can actually have a couple of duvet days in some companies, but you can choose as many duvet days as you like if you work for yourself.
One of the key benefits that I can see is that you can go on holiday and work.
You may think 'are you crazy, why do you want to work when you're on holiday'.
When I say work I mean it in the loose sense of the word!For example during the children's long summer holidays you could go away to the beach for 6 weeks and still keep your business ticking over.
With a normal job you wouldn't be able to do that.
This allows you time freedom and flexibility over your life.
You can also choose your holiday time.
I see a lot of my friends having to book their holidays a year in advance.
This creates a lot of difficulty for them.
It's great to be able to decide that you'd like to take a holiday and not have to get it approved by somebody else.
You don't have to get your holiday form in first before 'Janet in accounts!' 9.
You have no office politics to contend with.
I found this very disruptive and it's very easy to get sucked into it.
When you work from home you can work with people that you like and not who you have to.
You can have a virtual office environment on the internet and chat to people online.
You can also attend networking events to get that social contact.
But again this is all about choice - your choice.
Working from home gives you time freedom and choice over how you spend your time.
I believe this is the key to work/life balance and is the way forward for a lot of people.
As you can probably tell I certainly enjoy all the benefits of working from home and enjoy mentoring others on how to do the same.
by Julie Hanson, (c) 2007
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