- Oral medications that help prevent inflammation include steroids and non-steroidal medications such as leukotrienes and theophylline.
- Inhaled medications that are taken on a daily basis help reduce both inflammation and constriction of the airways.
- Emergency inhalers provide a dose of inhaled medication that can stop or greatly reduce symptoms of a serious asthma attack by opening up the airways.
- Doctors may order medication to be administered with a nebulizer, a machine that disperses the medication through steam that is inhaled. Nebulizers are particularly helpful for children and for people who have acute asthma symptoms that make using an inhaler difficult.
- Home remedies that can help relieve mild to moderate asthma symptoms include steam inhalation, a humidifier or homeopathic medications. Some individuals who suffer from asthma also experience relief from ingesting caffeine.
Oral Medications
Maintenance Inhalers
Emergency Inhalers
Home Remedies