Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Reduce Inflammation Naturally Without NSAIDs

More and more people are looking for safe, natural and effective alternatives to reduce inflammation without NSAIDs.
This is hardly surprising as there are many side effects associated with these drugs.
There is a solution that also provides many other important health benefits.
Quality omega 3 fish oils are proven to be just as effective as the NSAIDs drugs at reducing inflammation but without the adverse side effects.
The truth is as many as half of regular NSAID users will suffer from stomach and digestive problems, some of which are serious enough to send more than 100,000 people to the hospital every year.
Ultimately, these drugs when taken regularly are responsible for literally thousands of deaths each year.
To reduce inflammation without NSAIDs using omega 3 fish oils, you need to ensure you take a daily supplement to ensure high purity and to control the amount you take.
With fresh fish you are unwittingly ingesting toxins like mercury and lead and have no idea how much of the omega 3's you are getting.
Inflammation is the cause of most diseases and in the body it is lethal as it has no symptoms and leads to sudden and premature death.
Thousands of deaths each year are preventable with omega 3 oils and it is the single most effective natural substance to reduce inflammation without NSAIDs.
These oils prevent hardening of the arteries, lower bad cholesterol and prevent the platelets in the blood from sticking together and causing deadly clots.
In studies, most people who took omega 3 oils rich in DHA fats for six months were able to lower their intake of NSAIDs, with many coming off them altogether as the symptoms reduced.
Using the natural way will always provide more benefits with fewer side effects and help your body to heal and repair and prevent the inflammation from returning.
The very best fish oil supplements for lowering inflammation are a blend of hoki and tuna oils as they are proven to contain two and a half times more anti-inflammatory properties than any other oil.
Look for a minimum of 270mg of DHA in each standard capsule and check the label as well to ensure the oils have been distilled.
Distillation simply means they have been put through a process that separates out the oil from the toxins to leave it safe and to also increase the omega 3 content significantly.
Now you know the best and most natural way to reduce inflammation without NSAIDs, you can look forward to improved health now and in the future too.
If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.
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