Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How Important Are Keywords - To Providing Targeted Traffic To Your Online Business

How important are keywords to your website? how vital are they to your success or failure,keywords can make a huge difference to whether you receive targeted traffic to your online business or not,generally most of the traffic you will receive will be via search engines.

When someone makes a search for information, products etc they start by using a certain word, this word is called a keyword , you have to remember you are competing with millions of other websites on the world wide web, this is why it is important to select the correct keyword or phrases that relates to the contents of your website. Out of everything you ever do on the internet to make your online business a success, you must spend time researching the correct keywords or phrases.

So how are you going to find the correct keyword and them turn those into keyword phrases that will take you above your competition, you need to find
keywords that are not so popular yet ones that are still being searched for this way you will increase the chances of receiving targeted traffic to your website.

You website may well be packed with interesting contents, but without the correct keyword, your chances of being on page one of the search engines is near on impossible.

The first thing to do is read through your website and select words and phrases that relate to your site, your information, products, services and make a list
we will call these your main keyword, then select keyword phrases that are secondary related to your website, doing this could help to bring more targeted traffic to your site further down the line.


main keyword - dogs
secondary keyword - dog bedding

Think of yourself as the customer, what keywords would you search for to find your website?

Now you have a list of keywords and phrases you need a tool to help you decide which ones will be valuable to your success, there are many tools online, and free to use.

Google Adwords
Keyword Discovery,

Now shorten your list to around 60 to 70 keyword phrase and use them in the contents of your website, your home page should contain your main keyword
and all your keyword phrases on your list I would place on one particular page.
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