- While remedies can vary slightly according to personal preference, one popular recipe for a liver cleanse includes the following ingredients:
--4 tablespoons Epsom salt
--8 ornithine capsules (ornithine is an amino acid that is available for purchase at most major retailers)
--1 cup olive oil
--Enough lemons to generate 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice - The day of your liver cleanse, eat no protein or fat all day, and eat nothing after 2 p.m. At 6 p.m., drink 3/4 cup water with a tablespoon of Epsom salt stirred in. Two hours later, repeat this step. Also, at this time, squeeze enough lemons to make 1/2 cup lemon juice, taking care to filter out pulp and seeds. Place this juice in a jar with the olive oil, shake it up, and place it in the refrigerator.
At 10 p.m., shake up and then drink the refigerated olive oil/lemon juice concoction along with with 4-8 ornithine capsules. After this, lie down with your head propped up on a pillow. Remain perfectly still for at least 20 minutes, and go to sleep if at all possible. If you have trouble going to sleep, take the remaining ornithine pills, assuming you have not already crossed your threshold of eight pills in a 24-hour period.
When you wake up, repeat the step of drinking 3/4 cup water with one tablespoon Epsom salt, but not before 6 a.m. Two hours later, repeat this step once more.
Around noon, you can return to light eating, perhaps by beginning with juice and fruit. By night time, you can resume your regular diet. - The olive oil and lemon juice are vital, as they are the keys to flushing the system. By taking them just before bed, you allow the oil to filter into your liver and gall bladder. Lemon juice also produces more bile in the liver, decreases your appetite, and traps fat molecules and allows them to be secreted.
Because the expulsion of any gall stones can be painful, Epsom salts open bile ducts up wide, so that the stones can pass through freely.
Liver Cleanse Ingredients
Cleansing Procedure
Importance of Cleaning Ingredients