Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Weight Loss and the Arthritis Diet

The number of arthritis cases being reported every year are increasing.
Your chances of developing osteoarthritis are increased when you are overweight.
Stress on your joints can be relieved be even a small loss of weight.
Did you know that you take about four pounds of stress off of your knee joints each time you lose a pound? In addition to your exercise routine, you want to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet.
This will also help you to lose those extra pounds.
Avoid Foods High in Fat and Cholesterol You definitely want to stay away from any foods that have any fat or saturated fat, or at least keep your intake very low.
This also goes for foods filled with cholesterol.
Not only do these foods cause you to gain weight, but they cause other problems as well.
Studies have proven that people with high cholesterol levels tend to have arthritis in the knee joints, but can also develop it elsewhere in the body.
When you consistently eat high-fat, high-cholesterol diets, with low nutrient content, your joints can't receive the oxygen and nutrients they need.
Without these items, cartilage tissue within the joints disintegrates and your levels of synovial fluid, the slippery stuff that lets your joints slide over each other, start to decrease.
Avoid Processed Sugars Your sugar intake should be moderate, since these foods also cause weight gain.
The processed sugars you find in today's foods are a great hindrance to arthritis sufferers.
In large quantities, these sugars caused arthritis flare ups and pain in increased numbers.
The joints tend to swell and become inflamed, which leads to pain.
Avoid Alcohol You should avoid alcohol, but if you prefer to drink, do so in moderation.
It has been shown to make the inflammation in your joints worse, although you may not feel the pain.
However, over time your bones will weaken and you are more at risk of developing osteoarthritis if you drink heavily.
Add These Beneficial Foods Try to add more fruit, vegetables and products made from whole grain to your diet for variety.
Foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants are excellent choices for this type of diet.
You can these items in fish such as albacore tuna, salmon, and lake trout.
The omega-3 fatty acids appear to decrease the effects of inflammation and the risk of developing pain from arthritis.
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