Job Interview Questions About Your Career Goals and Sample Answers
The overall theme for each of the answers below is: have you thought about the impact of your decisions at the time you made them - or do you have a reactive response to most situations. Far too often, a person's career appears to have happened by chance. In todays fast-paced, ever changing world of work, employer's want to know if they can count on you to make good decisions, not knee-jerk reactions.
Start with your graduation from college and explain the rationale behind each of your career moves.
When I graduated from college, I was immediately recruited by the ABC Company. As my resume reflects, I received two promotions and then a recruiter contacted for the position at the XYZ Company. I've been there for the past 4 years and have learned a great deal, while making significant contributions to my department.
Also, explain the thinking process that went into make each of those decisions.
For my first job, I was happy to know I would be working in a job that utilized my education. It was exciting to know that within just a few weeks of graduation, I had my first paycheck. My thinking behind the XYZ position centered on the fact that they have a global presence, it was a definite promotion and positioned me to be a viable candidate for the marketing position with your company.
How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done?
I use my time efficiently at work and, for the most part, it's not the number of hours I work; but how effective my time has been to accomplish the job.
I'm sure my references will tell you I was more than willing to put in the time to be sure the job was completed as quickly and as professionally as possible.
If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move?
The upward mobility at my current company would most likely be in the global marketing department.
How do you measure success?
I measure professional success by the standards of the company for which I work, the feedback I receive from my peers, supervisors and subordinates. Personally, it is to know I'm regarded as a good husband, father and member of society.
Describe your dream job.
As a child, I dreamed of being the starting pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. When I realized I did not have a fast ball, or a change -up; I concentrated on my skills in marketing because I realized it is an area where I not only can make significant contributions, but I enjoy using my talent in a corporate environment.
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- What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you? - Best Answers
- What are your goals for the next five years / ten years? - Best Answers
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? - Best Answers
- How do you plan to achieve those goals? - Best Answers
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- What will you do if you don't get this position? - Best Answers
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