- The best remedy for pain associated with an abscess is to gargle with warm saline water several times a day. The salt aids in getting rid of bacteria and preventing the spread of infection. Doing this will also help to eliminate the bad taste in the mouth. Other solutions that have antibacterial properties include crushed garlic and diluted hydrogen peroxide.
- To help reduce the swelling, a patient may apply a cold compress along the neck or jaw. Avoid using a hot compress, as it may increase bleeding. Hot drinks, spicy foods and mouthwash may also aggravate the pain.
- Cloves have also shown to have soothing properties when used on abscesses. For this reason, oil of cloves is sold over the counter in most pharmacies. You can place oil of cloves on a cotton ball, and apply it directly as a poultice to the affected area. You can also create a clove gargle by boiling a cup of water with a piece of ginger until the liquid has been reduced by half. Cloves may also be crushed and applied directly to the affected area.
Antibacterial solutions
Cold, Hot and Spicy Dos and Don'ts
Oil of Cloves