Cost estimation has been a big problem in the past software project management implementation method. All things and calculations were being done manually. Gantt chart, pert chart and activity diagram implementation was not that easy at all. Hence, it was one of the most hectic tasks for project managers to tackle with daily changing project requirement lists. They found it hard to update the project schedule as that all required manual work. Cutting on a piece of paper is not that easy. Pencil and rubbers are not safe and software never covered all aspect during those days. Resources need to be allocated and even this particular task has many requirements. Hence, it is certainly not that easy at all. It's tough and not that easy to cover all aspect. Even if you mention all the costs, you need to calculate the final cost at each level and that used to be one of the toughest tasks that you can think of. Even best iPhone development company India is lacking on behalf of cost estimation right now in India. In general right now IOS development is one of the busiest subjects that you can think of.
We will be seeing now how one can calculate the cost in better way.
Well, if you feel you need to calculate effort, size and cost separately then you are absolutely not updated. Things have changed considerably after the year 2000. We now have better method. You just need to figure out three things at first. They are:
You can do a little bit of research and find out what these are all about. This forms the part of resource allocation. Similarly, we need to look at effort estimation and size estimation. Undoubtedly, you need to look at the project requirement analysis report and quality assurance management and project report. Generally, a business analyst and QA engineers are required to do this. Once this is being done, you can look at next aspect and that is preparing a project schedule. A project schedule can solve all your problems. All best iPhone application development company India uses standard methods to prepare the project schedule.
A project schedule has in it all tasks, subtasks, effort details, size details, required time, actual cost, estimated cost, earned value details and in fact all kind of cost related and project task related details in it. You have everything in the project schedule and you need not worry at all after that. Business analyst is going to provide you all the details about an iPhone app development project and you need to just prepare a project schedule after that. Once you have done that, all your questions regarding iPhone app development will be solved and you will have a clear-cut plan with you that can be very important for a successful project completion. You just need to ensure that you have everything intact and according to the requirements of a true project schedule. All Best iPhone application development company India is following these features.
We will be seeing now how one can calculate the cost in better way.
Well, if you feel you need to calculate effort, size and cost separately then you are absolutely not updated. Things have changed considerably after the year 2000. We now have better method. You just need to figure out three things at first. They are:
- 1. Work resources
2. Material resources
3. Cost resources
You can do a little bit of research and find out what these are all about. This forms the part of resource allocation. Similarly, we need to look at effort estimation and size estimation. Undoubtedly, you need to look at the project requirement analysis report and quality assurance management and project report. Generally, a business analyst and QA engineers are required to do this. Once this is being done, you can look at next aspect and that is preparing a project schedule. A project schedule can solve all your problems. All best iPhone application development company India uses standard methods to prepare the project schedule.
A project schedule has in it all tasks, subtasks, effort details, size details, required time, actual cost, estimated cost, earned value details and in fact all kind of cost related and project task related details in it. You have everything in the project schedule and you need not worry at all after that. Business analyst is going to provide you all the details about an iPhone app development project and you need to just prepare a project schedule after that. Once you have done that, all your questions regarding iPhone app development will be solved and you will have a clear-cut plan with you that can be very important for a successful project completion. You just need to ensure that you have everything intact and according to the requirements of a true project schedule. All Best iPhone application development company India is following these features.