Health & Medical Nutrition

Organic Food For Our Kids

Increasingly, we turn our attention not only on the environment in the conventional sense, but also the products that we eat.
It is no secret that they contain various additives that adversely affect health.
And more recently the notion Organic Food appeared.
This is food which is grown, collected, processed, packaged in accordance with the eco-standards adopted in Europe in 1991 (different countries use their word: English - Organic, Germans and Scandinavians often resort to the notion of Biot, the French-speaking adhere to the concept of Eco).
Let's see what kind of products they are: * natural; * environmentally friendly; * safe for nutrition; * certified in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission to the of Organic food; * with natural shelf life; * completely exclude the use of genetically modified organisms, pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones, various preservatives, antioxidants, flavorings, stabilizers, dyes, taste improvers and other additives artificial origin; * label of ecoproducts necessarily present any icon of European certification bodies.
So these are foods with a fairly rigid list of requirements.
With their growth chemical fertilizers pesticides can not be used to kill pests, grazing is prohibited to process chemicals; animals can not be treated with antibiotics and even keep in cages.
It is clear that these products are expensive.
But according to recent data, they are bought more and more.
Especially for children.
Let's look at what organic food is good for kids and why.
Baby puree Taste of a fruit and vegetable organic puree is richer.
The content of nutrients in them is about 30% higher than in conventional products - thanks to gentle handling and cultivation of vegetables and fruits.
Porridge Children soluble porridge also contains the largest amount of useful substances.
The grains subjected to special treatment and is easy to digest, even for kids.
Bread If a product has eco certificate, its customer can be sure that the rye, for example, didn't grow by the road and didn't gain lead and other harmful impurities.
Alternatively, you can be sure that the flour is not bleached and not tinted.
Biscuits and sweets In the manufacture of children's cookies they do not use sugar.
Instead - the agave juice, banana syrup, and sometimes honey.
Often such cookies are missing eggs, which is a strong allergen for some children.
Vegetables and fruit Grown on ecological farms vegetables and fruits are less allergenic.
After all, a child sometimes may not be allergic to a product itself, but will be allergic to the chemical compound which is crammed with this product, or processed.
Dried fruits Did you know that most dried fruit is processed with sulfur dioxide gas by producers to extend their storage? Raw fruits will have shelf life of 6-12 months; processed ones are stored for years.
And let the sulfur dioxide is officially allowed, but experts have expressed fears that the substance affects the intestinal micro flora.
To determine at a glance whether the fruits are processed is fairly complicated.
Dried apricots are the exception, the processed ones are bright, and have golden color, while raw ones, as a rule, are dark.
Organic dries fruits, of course, are not processed in any way.
Milk Many babies are allergic to milk.
But probably not the milk itself, but to additives, which it contains.
Ecoproduct is deprived of these supplements.
In addition, bio milk has more amino acids and fats, but lower cholesterol.
Meat, fish, poultry Animals grown on eco farms, ate only useful fodder containing no chemical additives.
That is why such a protein is very useful and contains much more nutrients.
All ecoproducts have similar properties to the products that are eaten by our ancestors.
They are delicious, nourishing, and helpful.
This is especially important for children, in whose diet one should avoid all the possible preservatives, colorings, flavorings and other chemical additives.
Synthetic substances completely knock the work of gustatory receptors and poison the body.
Synthetics cannot be a food for the cells, in contrast to natural products.
For children it is especially important to eat right, because they are growing, all body systems are being formed.
And health of our kids depends on the nutrition totally.
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