Health & Medical Men's Health

What is Premature Ejaculation?

This is defined as a man that lacks adequate voluntary ejaculatory control with the result that he climaxes involuntarily before he wants to.
  The diagnosis of premature ejaculation should not depend only on how fast a man ejaculates, or on how his partner responds, but on the quality of his ejaculatory control which should be natural, easy and voluntary.
Under ordinary circumstances, the physical and mental stimulation of making love can cause a man's excitement to rise progressively to the plateau stage of sexual arousal.
  He can continue to enjoy a sort of rhythmic penile stimulation while staying at the plateau stage - near where orgasm will happen.
  In this case, both people can enjoy their intense sexual pleasure, allowing it to mount slowly or rapidly until they feel like climaxing, without any special strain.
  By contrast, premature ejaculators become excited quickly.
  They are unable to remain at the plateau stage of excitement, but come involuntarily as soon as they reach the sexual arousal level.
To put it simply, a normal man can choose either to stay aroused for awhile or to climax rapidly.
  But the premature ejaculator has no such choice.
  He peaks quickly and moves right through the plateau stage onto orgasm, which puts an end to the sexual experience before he wishes and, in many cases, before his partner wishes.
The Destructive Effects of Premature Ejaculation Ejaculating rapidly is not a problem for all men or for all partners.
  Some men don't mind coming quickly once they have entered a woman's vagina and some women are not bothered by their partners' lack of staying power.
   A number of men simply accept their lack of control.
  They do not let this spoil their sexual pleasures and, as a matter of fact, many such men have active sex lives.
  Similarly, some women accept their partners' rapid ejaculation and they take pleasure from other aspects of lovemaking, such as fellatio.
  In addition, other women can follow their partner's rhythm by learning to climax rapidly themselves.
Some men with premature ejaculation are sensuous, skillful lovers who know how to stimulate their partner to orgasm manually or orally, prior to sex or after they ejaculate, or before and after, so that their rapid ejaculations do not interfere with their partners sexual pleasure.
  But far more often than not, premature ejaculation is a source of distress to the man and to his partner as well.
  And, unless both partners are understanding and mature, this condition can have a destructive impact on a couples sex life and may eventually threaten their entire relationship.
The Solution The good news is you can have a stronger erection, a rock hard penis, and get your partner to crave the pleasures you provide.
  Yes, I am talking about premature ejaculation being a thing of the past.
  But you will have to invest in yourself.
  There are powerful, potent herbal pills that are all natural and boast an amazing ability to give you more powerful erections.
  In addition, you will experience in general better sexual health.
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