Home & Garden Do It Yourself

How To Avoid Basement Flooding

Basement flooding is the most awful challenge that any house owner could come across. To avoid basement flooding you should understand why it is happening for you to correctly fix the problem and to avoid it from reoccurring. Here are the most common reasons why the basement floods including the ways on how to improve it.

1. Location Of The Property
Check the setting of your property if it is flood prone. Prior to buying the building, bear in mind its location. Just take note that if you are living in a slant location, the likelihood of basement flooding is definitely high. So selecting the ideal location is extremely important.

2. Poor Wall and Flooring Sealing
Poor wall and floor sealing is another potential reason for basement flooding. Basement tiles and walls should be sealed appropriately during the construction so that no water will escape. The next time it rains, check the floors and walls for any holes so you can properly seal them when the rain stops.

3. Trench That Is Clogged
Blocked gutter is one of the most common reasons of basement flooding. Check the manifold that is connected to your home if it is impassable or not functioning properly. If you are certain that the cause of your basement flooding is a closed gutter, you ought to seek advice from people in-charge of the gutter installation in your neighborhood. Blocked gutter if not repaired can cause untoward incidence in the future.

4. Inappropriate Installation of The Drainage System
Inadequate installation or malfunction of the drainage system is another reason why basement flooding is occurring. The drainage must be installed properly by the right authorities who have the knowledge and expertise of repairing and protecting your basement. Regularly confirm the drainage system to fix any malfunctioning.

5. Eaves Trough Junk
Avoid flooding by regularly cleaning the debris and dirt in the eaves trough.

6. Bad Plumbing System
Due to seepage and malfunction, poor plumbing can increase the chances of basement flooding. This is due to either old aged pipes or low quality equipment that have been used in the building. The most effective way to avoid this is to have a practiced plumber to check and fix the pipes whenever there is a seepage.

On the other hand, some house owners tend to wait for the situation to happen. They will only take action when the situation is already worse. This approach is very harmful because it will cause critical damage to your basement.

The submersible sump pump is very providential in removing flood. There are many types of submersible sump pump these days that can accommodate to your need depending on how spacious and how much flood water is to be removed in your basement. Most of the pumps today has an automatic button that turns the pump on or off when it reaches a certain level of water, this core attribute of pumps are very handy since you do not need to constantly check on your submersible sump pump.

Lastly, look for a professional plumber in your area to get opinion on which type of sump pump suits your abode. Aside from a sump pump, it will also be very handy to invest on a basement fire extinguisher that can be used for emergency purposes.
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