Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

5 Proven, Sure-Fire Methods to Boost Your Website Traffic

Increasing website traffic is the chief concern of all business owners as most of their customers are hidden in this crowd.
It is true.
A few decades ago, a website was an add-on, optional feature, but today it is a crucial component of success.
Website traffic is the total number of visitors to a particular website or blog.
It is easy to increase traffic to your site; you must only know the right techniques to apply.
This short article discusses 5 proven, sure-fire methods to increase the number of visitors to your site.
A SEO-friendly website - In simple words, it means making your website more accessible to search engines.
It is only if your site has a high page rank that it will it feature among the top search results and gather a wider audience.
Search engines rate websites with the help of virtual spiders that analyze content and design for broken links, outdated information, duplicate content and difficult-to-navigate infrastructure.
Hence, your aim should be to please these search engine spiders.
It involves checking external links periodically, removing invalid links or rectifying broken ones.
You should include in-bound links so that the spiders automatically link from one page to the next.
Think of a Keyword Strategy - The right keywords are the secret to a highly-ranked site.
A common mistake most business owners make is that they build a website and then choose niche-related keywords to rank.
The correct way is to choose keywords and build a website around it.
In order create an effective keyword strategy, you must determine your target audience and think of the key phrases they would use to look up content in an online search.
An online keyword tool will give you a better idea of how individual and long-tail keywords rank.
Share your links - In addition to developing your website and making it search engine friendly, it is equally important to spread word about your website across the internet.
This involves sharing links with other sites.
The first way to do so is by distributing content to content directories.
At the end of every article, there is a resource box where one can include a short description of their business along with their website address.
The greatest advantage of posting content to article directories is the wide readership it enjoys.
The second method involves guest posting at other website or blogs that deal in the same subject.
Finally, if you are an expert in your respective niche, you can offer advice on forums and social networks.
If people find the information valuable, they will definitely take time to click on the link included in your forum signature.
Update Your Website - The search engine spiders have asserted their importance once again.
They give websites that keep updating content a high ranking.
Not only this, when your website subscribers realize that you keep updating content, they will keep coming back for more and also consider sharing your site with their social networks.
In addition to updating content, it will also help to diversify it.
For instance, instead of only writing articles, you can incorporate an events calendar or write a new feature.
Lastly, Invest in Advertising - There are great advertising schemes available online.
There's Yahoo Overture and Google's AdWords.
Advertising guarantees traffic but it comes at a cost.
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