Health & Medical Anti Aging

An Anti Aging Promise

This reporter may have found a way to slow down and possibly reverse the aging process of your organs.
How is that for a bold statement? I stumbled on to some info about a gland called the thymus gland and found out that it controls your immune system, sort of like a human thermostat.
I hope this excites you as much as it did me.
Let me tell you about it.
Now when some foreign invaders arrive in your body, such as infections, tumors, bacteria or viruses, your thymic production goes up.
Again what is it? The thymus gland is tucked behind your sternum between your lungs and is now thought to be the connector between your brain and your immune system.
This thymus continues to develop right after your birth and it reaches its maximum size during your puberty.
After puberty, a gradual shrinking of your thymus occurs steadily.
By the time you are about thirty your thymus gland has typically reduced its mass by two thirds and its cell by ninety percent.
Now by the time you are sixty, your functional thymic tissue has just about disappeared, and in all likely hood is compromising the integrity of your aging immune system.
This inevitable weakening of your immune system is a natural decline.
This affects both sexes equally and increases your susceptibility to infections, autoimmune diseases and cancer as you age.
Because aging is a progressive degenerative disease, I can tell you after all my studying that this thymus just might reverse many of your aging signs.
Liquid thymus extracts have shown some beneficial effects on aging in adult animals.
Also in the studies, the thymic peptides decreased the levels of oxidized fatty acids in the brain and spleen tissues of these animals.
This clearly will increase the longevity of these adult animals.
Now this thymus gland ties into HGH.
I have long been a proponent of HGH usage, under controlled conditions; I see it as the miracle fountain of youth.
It is now known that thymus gland hormones increase the quantity and quality of your body's T cells and T cells secrete human growth hormone.
HGH is the true youth hormone; it builds muscle, increases the vitality of your body's organ system and decreases the levels of stress hormone cortisol.
It makes you younger looking and feel younger, it is the miracle drug.
Clearly much work needs to be done in this area, but it will get done.
This reporter will follow this subject closely and report his findings in a timely manner.
In conclusion; not only do thymic peptides enhance immunity, but they also slow down and even reverse the process of aging.
As always you must live well to be well.
And never try to introduce anything new into your diet without consulting a health professional.
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