- 1). Install a heavy duty vent fan. Some models do not require you to alter the structure of your home or pay for someone to install it. Home improvement and hardware stores often sell heavy duty fans.
- 2). Buy a quality air cleaner or purifier to improve the air quality in a small room. Get a model with a charcoal filter that absorb odors, too. These devices are especially helpful if you have breathing problems, allergies or the room is noticeably dusty.
- 3). Use an odor-absorbing air-freshening spray, solid gel or sachet to help prevent and reduce bad-smelling odors in your small room. Avoid products that simply mask smells instead of eliminating them -- the end result will be a smelly room with a hint of fragrance.
- 4). Get a window fan or air conditioning unit to help regulate temperature, ventilate the small room and bring in fresh air. You can get a window unit from your local hardware, home improvement or discount store.
- 5). Circulate air throughout the small room with a standing or box fan, if there is no window. This option can help keep reduce stale odors, cool down the room a few degrees and is ideal for those on a tight budget. Discount, department and even grocery stores often carry affordable room fans.