Not long ago, I was doing a little volunteer work in a local community nearby.
I noted how slow they moved and explained to one of the folks running the place that; "I work at entrepreneur's speed," indicating that the group was moving at a snail's pace, as nothing was getting done.
Well, with that the individual suggested that I should come out of retirement and start a new business.
Really, right now with socialists running our government in Washington DC, and mind you I live in California so the state government and all the local governments are not much better in that regard.
Okay so, let's talk.
After hearing this suggestion, I just laughed to myself and thought; "Oh, so now you are going to be my career counselor, are you?" Interesting because giving advice is easy, but I guess running things isn't.
Imagine someone in the non-profit sector giving advice to an entrepreneur about starting a business? Worse, imagine the government giving advice to business people to let loose of the purse strings and start hiring more people to get the economy going and then on the other hand threatening to tax the 1% to death for doing so? Look here is the deal, the government and nonprofit sector are highly inefficient and can't get their act together, so they need to stop pretending to know-it-all and tell entrepreneurs how to run things.
Likewise the wonderful educated professors of academia need to look into their own mirrors prior to giving advice to business folks on how to run their affairs.
Why would I say that? Well, simply because last time I checked we have a college tuition bubble, a student loan bubble, and academia is running redline trying to keep control as the Internet is providing all the world's information.
No entrepreneur in their right mind would want to start and expand a business right now, unless they were in the direct food chain flow or money from government, or had such an incredibly great idea and no competition that they could move at light speed.
And even then the last thing they would really want to do is hire any employees, just look at how employers are treated these days, they may as well leave their cash registers at the Obama Administration's HQ, because they surely won't be seeing any of those profits.
The left-leaning socialists want people to start businesses alright, so they can steal the money to further their agenda.
Please consider all this and tell where I am wrong here?
I noted how slow they moved and explained to one of the folks running the place that; "I work at entrepreneur's speed," indicating that the group was moving at a snail's pace, as nothing was getting done.
Well, with that the individual suggested that I should come out of retirement and start a new business.
Really, right now with socialists running our government in Washington DC, and mind you I live in California so the state government and all the local governments are not much better in that regard.
Okay so, let's talk.
After hearing this suggestion, I just laughed to myself and thought; "Oh, so now you are going to be my career counselor, are you?" Interesting because giving advice is easy, but I guess running things isn't.
Imagine someone in the non-profit sector giving advice to an entrepreneur about starting a business? Worse, imagine the government giving advice to business people to let loose of the purse strings and start hiring more people to get the economy going and then on the other hand threatening to tax the 1% to death for doing so? Look here is the deal, the government and nonprofit sector are highly inefficient and can't get their act together, so they need to stop pretending to know-it-all and tell entrepreneurs how to run things.
Likewise the wonderful educated professors of academia need to look into their own mirrors prior to giving advice to business folks on how to run their affairs.
Why would I say that? Well, simply because last time I checked we have a college tuition bubble, a student loan bubble, and academia is running redline trying to keep control as the Internet is providing all the world's information.
No entrepreneur in their right mind would want to start and expand a business right now, unless they were in the direct food chain flow or money from government, or had such an incredibly great idea and no competition that they could move at light speed.
And even then the last thing they would really want to do is hire any employees, just look at how employers are treated these days, they may as well leave their cash registers at the Obama Administration's HQ, because they surely won't be seeing any of those profits.
The left-leaning socialists want people to start businesses alright, so they can steal the money to further their agenda.
Please consider all this and tell where I am wrong here?