Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Does Bad Cholesterol Really Cause Cancer?

According to a new study published in March 2012 at the American College of Cardiology annual meeting conducted in Chicago, a link exists between low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increased risk of cancer. Canadian pharmacies keenly followed researchers who found cancer patients also had low LDL levels, and these patients did not take in cholesterol-lowering drugs.

LDL does have a definite role to play in the body but in combination with triglycerides can cause plaque formation in arteries through accumulation. People do buy Tricor to enable the liver to limit production of triglycerides, thereby reducing risk of clogged arteries. If bad cholesterol is allowed to build up, patients have increased risk of developing more chronic illnesses like heart attack and stroke. So how far do findings from the recent study hold good. There are reasons to believe a definite cause may exist causing a link between LDL and cancer.

Study Presents Data Without Focusing On Causes

Researchers conducted a study on 402 participants devoid of cancer and 201 patients suffering from cancer. Findings revealed patients diagnosed with cancer had low LDL levels going as far back as 19 years before diagnosis. Also, these patients did not resort to any cholesterol-lowering drug at the stage. The study does present statistics showing a link between cancer and LDL, but causes are still unknown. It can be considered an initial research attempt, and further studies are needed to find a definite connection between the two.

Heart attack strikes suddenly without warning. People usually find they have high levels of bad cholesterol during medical checkups. Lab tests are needed to verify results. Physicians have to strike a balance between preventing heart attack and reducing risk of cancer. Earlier studies indicated older generation cholesterol drugs may increase risk. Elaborate studies yielding different results are not available. However, Canadian pharmacies accept researchers have been able to isolate instances related to specific drugs.

The present study is focused on finding whether two unrelated diseases can be linked to cholesterol-lowering drugs. Researchers have debated in the past about the extent of risk involved, but prescription medication could not be directly linked to cancer. Findings from the present study only help supporting the earlier view cholesterol patients have higher risk of developing cancer at a later date.

Cause And Effect Result Cannot Be Established

Statistics show an association between low HDL and cancer, but a cause-and-effect result cannot be firmly established through the study. Medications like generic Tricor do help in lowering bad cholesterol and preventing heart attack. Dosage and duration of the medical course can be accurately determined by physicians. Structured methods allow doctors to regulate prescription medication minimizing risk of other chronic diseases including cancer.

Experts therefore insist patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease must ensure cholesterol levels are kept under control with the help of medication. Canadian pharmacies encourage people to continue with new generation prescription drugs under medical supervision. It is imperative LDL cholesterol is kept under control. Until further research presents facts helping identify the exact cause of cancer due to cholesterol, patients are advised to take all necessary precautions to prevent heart attack and stroke by controlling bad cholesterol.
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