Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Finding Value in Low Cost Car Insurance

If you are like most people, you hate paying more for car insurance, even if it is classified as low cost car insurance, then you have to.
In fact, no matter what product or service it is, you don't want to pay more for it.
Now keep in mind there is a fine line between the value of your time and finding the best deal, and only you can make that determination.
You could potentially spend months or even years trying to analyze the last nickel's worth of premium charges on your insurance quote, but at what cost? Your time should not be considered free, because there are other things you probably could and should be doing.
The very first thing you need to do is shop around.
Just because you have been with the same brand name agency for a number of years has no bearing on it.
It could be that they have been overcharging you for a number of years because you do very little if any comparison shopping.
And the comparison shopping is something you should do on a regular basis, probably about once a year.
Just because you found the best deal two or three years ago does not mean that it is still the best deal in today's world.
The next thing you need to do is find out what is mandatory in your state and what is optional.
This is for state mandated coverages as well as coverage that you want to have, or may be required by your finance company.
For example, your state may require that you carry at least $250,000 in liability coverage, so if a particular policy does not have that much coverage, find out what the cost of that policy is if you bump it up to at least that number, and then compare again.
As another example, if your car is not paid off in full, your finance company almost certainly requires that you carry collision insurance coverage on it.
There are many more places you need to look in order to make sure that you are really comparing apples to apples when you are comparing car insurance quotes.
For example, if one policy has a liability coverage up to $300,000 and another one has that same coverage up to $30,000, guess which one will be cheaper and why? Speaking of collision coverage, this is probably one of the most expensive type of coverage you can get, but it can be worth it if you are in an accident or even a relatively minor fender bender.
But one of the things that drastically affects how much this will cost you is your deductible.
This defines the amount of money that you will need to pay out of your pocket if you make a claim for collision.
The overall cost of the insurance policy may be up to three times as much if you elect to go with a $100 collision deductible rather than a $500 deductible.
Lastly, do not be afraid to shop online.
There are many quality car insurance companies that quote policies low cost car insurance online and they can be quite aggressively priced.
But the bottom line is to be sure to shop around, because if you aren't, chances are good that you are throwing money out the window on your car insurance.
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