Have you ever imagine feeling confident in every situation those wearing those skinny jeans, body fit shirt & cool leather suit you've always dream on? It doesn't matter either you're good looking or not, in fact is looks is only an illusion of looking better. Well apparently, lots of things to consider, I mean very lots of things indeed to consider.
First of all, remember this quote always "What you eat is what you are", oftentimes, most of us not realize & tend to discover our brain full potential & even so, it would not be possible to anyone to utilize 100 % of our brain main factors. Although, our brain controls everything in producing the essential nutrients our body needs.
Diet for example, around the globe people are desperate to achieve the ideal weight, & even trying to experiment suitable solution to lose fat instantly which is dangerous & risky. Perhaps, these simple steps will help you reduce weight, not instantly but effectively.
Here are the five factors for achieving in lose weight effectively.
1.) Feed your brain – Plan your weekly diet, in the morning take a cold bath, drink 2 glass of water & 1 glass of milk in the same time, eat pair of apple & 1 banana, snacks will be raw nuts (all kind of nuts will do) tea or coffee & a glass of water, lunch take a slice of meat (chicken, pork or beef also fish) limit the slice into 100 grams & plenty green leafy vegetables, in the mid afternoon snack, try serving yourself mixed slice of fruits (all fruits of your choice) & a cup of oats (cooked in your desire), evening time, most confusing to all, never eat heavy meal in the evening , this will lower your metabolism, since our stomach is just a size of our fist it cannot dissolve immediately the food you eat, have yourself slice of bread or a cup of brown rice (white rice also) oats & green leafy vegetable & plenty of water. Never intend to eat midnight snack forget your cravings when you in front of entertainment such TV & playing your favorite games.
2.) Diversion - Have yourself extra activities at home of in the office, during your free time at the office, go out for sunlight exposure, search for green plants trees or grasses always, (brain is vulnerable in green color , the brain electricity forces to trigger metabolism & raises to 5 % its function).
3.) Meditation – Learn to meditate, spend 30 minutes a day anywhere in your convenient, meditation can helps replenish your mind & body relief from stress & awakened you immune system, also improves blood circulation & mood functionality.
4.) Exercise – Of course, often times people are too lazy or either no time to do physical activity, but if you really desire to lose weight effectively, have 1 hour a day routine, not necessary extreme, you can do dancing, walking at the park, jogging, swimming, mountain climbing or aerobics, by doing so burning the calories & extra fats helps maintain a proper cycle & speeds up the metabolism.
5.) Liquefy yourself – Water the life essential, we all know that our body is compose 70 % of water, significantly water helps pushes the fats & lower cholesterol, really!, its true well exactly, when doing exercise body forces to release water to the body, as often it also reduce cholesterol buildup .
Nevertheless, it's a matter of choice, have determination & discipline onto you. Be patient, there is no instant immediate success, these steps not only focuses on reducing weight but also maintains good health, healthy living & lifestyle.
First of all, remember this quote always "What you eat is what you are", oftentimes, most of us not realize & tend to discover our brain full potential & even so, it would not be possible to anyone to utilize 100 % of our brain main factors. Although, our brain controls everything in producing the essential nutrients our body needs.
Diet for example, around the globe people are desperate to achieve the ideal weight, & even trying to experiment suitable solution to lose fat instantly which is dangerous & risky. Perhaps, these simple steps will help you reduce weight, not instantly but effectively.
Here are the five factors for achieving in lose weight effectively.
1.) Feed your brain – Plan your weekly diet, in the morning take a cold bath, drink 2 glass of water & 1 glass of milk in the same time, eat pair of apple & 1 banana, snacks will be raw nuts (all kind of nuts will do) tea or coffee & a glass of water, lunch take a slice of meat (chicken, pork or beef also fish) limit the slice into 100 grams & plenty green leafy vegetables, in the mid afternoon snack, try serving yourself mixed slice of fruits (all fruits of your choice) & a cup of oats (cooked in your desire), evening time, most confusing to all, never eat heavy meal in the evening , this will lower your metabolism, since our stomach is just a size of our fist it cannot dissolve immediately the food you eat, have yourself slice of bread or a cup of brown rice (white rice also) oats & green leafy vegetable & plenty of water. Never intend to eat midnight snack forget your cravings when you in front of entertainment such TV & playing your favorite games.
2.) Diversion - Have yourself extra activities at home of in the office, during your free time at the office, go out for sunlight exposure, search for green plants trees or grasses always, (brain is vulnerable in green color , the brain electricity forces to trigger metabolism & raises to 5 % its function).
3.) Meditation – Learn to meditate, spend 30 minutes a day anywhere in your convenient, meditation can helps replenish your mind & body relief from stress & awakened you immune system, also improves blood circulation & mood functionality.
4.) Exercise – Of course, often times people are too lazy or either no time to do physical activity, but if you really desire to lose weight effectively, have 1 hour a day routine, not necessary extreme, you can do dancing, walking at the park, jogging, swimming, mountain climbing or aerobics, by doing so burning the calories & extra fats helps maintain a proper cycle & speeds up the metabolism.
5.) Liquefy yourself – Water the life essential, we all know that our body is compose 70 % of water, significantly water helps pushes the fats & lower cholesterol, really!, its true well exactly, when doing exercise body forces to release water to the body, as often it also reduce cholesterol buildup .
Nevertheless, it's a matter of choice, have determination & discipline onto you. Be patient, there is no instant immediate success, these steps not only focuses on reducing weight but also maintains good health, healthy living & lifestyle.