Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Read Musical Notes

Whether you are a singer or musician, knowing how to read musical notation is one of the basics to start with, so learning to read music notes is necessary in order to appreciate and understand other music theories.
Just as words are the foundation of literature, and numbers of mathematics, so notes are to music.
It is helpful to pinpoint what kind of learning style you have, so that you can tailor your music studies to your own style.
The different kinds of learners in music are: first, the auditory learner.
An auditory learner tends to learn the notes or the tone just by listening to a teacher or an instrument.
The second is the kinesthetic learner.
A person can be classified as a kinesthetic learner if he learns and understands more readily through the utilization of shapes and patterns.
The third learning style is the visual learner, who comprehends more by sight reading, or in reading musical notes on the page.
However, it is important that all students learn to read musical notation, and although the visual learner will excel at sight reading, there are also tricks of the trade for the other learners so that they, too, may pick up reading music more easily.
For Auditory learners, it is helpful to listen to each note on the staff along with the instrument being used.
Repeat for all the notes.
Hit the key or strum the string corresponding to the note to produce a clear tone, and if necessary, do it slowly and repeat until the note is distinctly heard.
This will help the auditory learner remember what the piece of music sounds like, and after the first try, or a few more runs, it will soon be easier for him to play the music even without seeing the musical notes.
For kinesthetic learners, it is helpful to remember that the up and down of the keyboard or whatever instrument is being used, corresponds to the way the staff is situated.
Or, if the instrument is played left to right, that it is mentally rotated to the up and down orientation of the staff.
Since kinesthetic learners absorb concepts by associating them with familiar patterns, this is a useful hint to remember.
Whichever style of learner you may be, you should be able to understand the concepts and ideas of reading the musical notes from sheet music.
From that point you can augment your learning technique and personalize your music study.
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