There is a myth that is being perpetuated among Shaklee distributors and other network marketers alike. That myth is that warm market marketing is the best way to grow your Shaklee business.
It was not so long ago, however, that is was not a myth, it was fact. That was before the advent of modern technology and the dramatic changes in society that ensued.
Just ten short years ago, marketing your friends and family was in-fact the best way to grow your business because it was the only way to grow your business! Most people did not have personal computers and if they did, they were certainly not making purchases online! People still wanted to do business personally and had not fully developed a sense of trust in technology.
Things have changed dramatically in the past ten years. Any business that does not have an internet presence does not have credibility. People have practically moved their entire lives online from connecting with friends and family or meeting the person of their dreams to buying groceries or even a car online.
Network marketing's roots began in the neighborhood – and now that neighborhood has moved online. And just as quick as that, relying on friends and family as the most effective means to build your Shaklee business became a myth!
Today, the most effective way to build a successful business is to leverage technology. It only makes sense since the neighborhood (i.e. customer base) moved online, so should the distributor. And it really is a blessing in disguise in that technology has made reaching qualified prospects and leads simpler than ever.
Simple strategies like defining your target market and leveraging the internet, the telephone and the written word to access them, can help you build the business you have only dreamed of. And with a downline using leveraging the internet and also experiencing success, the possibilities are endless.
It was not so long ago, however, that is was not a myth, it was fact. That was before the advent of modern technology and the dramatic changes in society that ensued.
Just ten short years ago, marketing your friends and family was in-fact the best way to grow your business because it was the only way to grow your business! Most people did not have personal computers and if they did, they were certainly not making purchases online! People still wanted to do business personally and had not fully developed a sense of trust in technology.
Things have changed dramatically in the past ten years. Any business that does not have an internet presence does not have credibility. People have practically moved their entire lives online from connecting with friends and family or meeting the person of their dreams to buying groceries or even a car online.
Network marketing's roots began in the neighborhood – and now that neighborhood has moved online. And just as quick as that, relying on friends and family as the most effective means to build your Shaklee business became a myth!
Today, the most effective way to build a successful business is to leverage technology. It only makes sense since the neighborhood (i.e. customer base) moved online, so should the distributor. And it really is a blessing in disguise in that technology has made reaching qualified prospects and leads simpler than ever.
Simple strategies like defining your target market and leveraging the internet, the telephone and the written word to access them, can help you build the business you have only dreamed of. And with a downline using leveraging the internet and also experiencing success, the possibilities are endless.