Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Total Colonoscopy Procedure


    • The colon and bowel need to be completely emptied and cleansed. A clear liquid diet is required one to three days in advance. Some patients may need to take a laxative or perform an enema.


    • Doctors should be told if patients take aspirin, arthritis and blood thinner medications, insulin or iron supplements, or if they have heart or lung disease.


    • A total colonoscopy takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Patients lay on their left side and are comfortably sedated. Vital signs are monitored as a colonoscope is inserted into the rectum and moved up the colon. The doctor views abnormalities and removes growths or tissue that may be present.

    Side Effects

    • Patients may feel mild cramps, bloating or gas during or right after a total colonoscopy.


    • Although rare, some people may feel dizzy and weak, experience bloody bowel movements or pain in the abdomen.


    • Removal of growths or polyps during a total colonoscopy may keep cancer away.

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