- 1). Earn additional income to pay down debt and boost your credit score. Take on additional employment or look for a higher paying job. Use your extra income to eliminate credit card debt and other loans.
- 2). Stop late payments. Add points to your credit file each month by submitting your payments on time. Steer clear of snail mail to prevent late arrivals and take advantage of online payment options.
- 3). Use credit with care. Using a credit card for occasional purchases and then paying off the debt completely helps your credit file. Reserve credit card use for inexpensive items, which are easier to pay off completely when the bill comes in.
- 4). Order your credit report. Inspect your credit file at least once a year to check for accuracy. Consumers are eligible for one free report yearly from each of the three major credit reporting companies. Visit AnnualCreditReport.com to order yours.
- 5). Rebuild your credit by applying for new lines of credit, such as a secured credit card through your bank. Make all payments on time to build a better credit score.