Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

How To Give Up Smoking With Ecigs: Tips And Hints

Giving up smoking is easier said than done, because its such an addictive habit. Nicotine is a substance that increases your cravings even more when you try to quit the habit. Using a satisfying alternative can be effective in gradually stopping the habit and electronic cigarettes have shown positive results in quitting the habit for many people across the globe.

Electronic cigarettes are similar to traditional cigarettes, except that instead of tobacco burning to give off smoke, the e-liquid capsule inside the device vaporizes to give off nicotine vapor. The basic device is made up of three units the inhaler, the atomizer and the battery unit. The inhaler has a cartridge which is a mixture of water, nicotine, propylene glycol and tobacco flavoring. When the user inhales through the device, the air flow is detected by a sensor. This turns on a microprocessor in the device which activates the atomizer for injecting tiny droplets of e-liquid into the air, which then vaporizes eventually. This vapor mist gives the same sensation as that of smoking a real cigarette.

The cartridges used in electronic cigarettes are available in varying nicotine strengths. The ones with high nicotine content include 18mg nicotine, medium nicotine content have 14 mg nicotine, and those with low nicotine content have 11 mg nicotine. Those with zero nicotine content do not have any nicotine content at all. Most people start out with a cartridge that has a higher level of nicotine and later move on to using a cartridge that contains a lower dosage. Since the nicotine vapor gives the same feeling as smoking a normal cigarette, the need to smoke a real cigarette does not entice you.

Beyond a sense of satisfaction, you might ask what the real benefit of using an electronic cigarette is. Well, they do not have tar or tobacco like normal cigarettes, so they are safe to use. And, when you smoke a normal cigarette the air around you is polluted with heavy cigarette smoke, but nicotine vapor from an electronic cigarette does not create such an effect. You are able to smoke even in areas where smoking is banned because the vapor from an electronic cigarette quickly dissolves in the air. Electronic cigarettes do not stain your fingers, teeth or make your breath smell bad. They are non-flammable and do not pollute the environment around you. So you have seen here how to give up smoking with ecigs.
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