- 1). Open the drawer and look for the drawer slide. If you cannot see the drawer slide, you most likely have an undermount slide. Look underneath the drawer and locate the two release clips on the bottom of the drawer. Press both levers to release the drawer box from the slide. Remove drawer from cabinet.
- 2). Open the drawer as far as possible. If the drawer box extends from the cabinet the full length of the drawer, you most likely have a full extension ball bearing slide. These slides have release levers located inside the drawer slide. Pull the drawer box from the cabinet and locate the two release levers on each side of the drawer--they are often black . Press both levers at the same time as the drawer is pulled to release the drawer box.
- 3). Look at the drawer and see if you have European drawer slides. European drawer slides are often a white or cream color. If your drawer has European drawer slides, pull the drawer from the cabinet until it stops. Lower the drawer front towards the floor while keeping constant pressure pulling the drawer out of the cabinet. This will allow the small white roller to roll up and over the stop plate on the drawer slide. Remove drawer from cabinet.