Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How to Use Forums, Discussion Boards and Groups to Boost Your Online Business

Do you need to generate mobs of traffic? These days who doesn't? Competition for traffic is tight and you need to know the secrets on how to play the game and how to generate massive traffic using forums, discussion boards and groups.
It isn't enough to simply slap together a website and hope for the best.
It used to be when the Internet first began and any keyword was hot.
Times have changed and if you need traffic, then you need to think smart and go where the people are.
Forums are the places real people go to.
Think of it as you would your local mall.
People go there to shop, and during holiday seasons and weekends, it can be difficult to even find a place to park.
Almost any store that is set up in a good location inside the mall will do well, regardless of what they are selling.
The reason is traffic and exposure.
A forum or discussion group is like a small mall of highly optimized traffic.
The people that frequent a forum go there to get answers about the topic at hand, and in many cases, are willing to pay good cash to get answers and solutions.
Put yourself in front of this kind of traffic and you will make money.
That's right.
People congregate at these forums when they have a problem.
There is a forum available for just about any topic.
Health concerns, money or family problems, you name it - there is a forum out there that people go to.
They love to talk; and you will be highly accepted if you chime right in at their level and offer your valuable advice, without advertising your product right away.
But I need to advertise! That is why I am there! No, you are there to add value, not to spam the forum.
This is probably the most frequent mistake people make.
They join a forum, add a link to their signature box and start handing out advice and pointing people to their websites.
For the people that operate this way, they are destined to fail because people on the forum are not stupid and do not appreciate being treated as cows.
They can smell a spammer a mile away and you can get banned as fast as your first few posts go live.
So how do you handle this? Give, give, and give.
Go to the forum and touch people, reach them where they really are at on their problem.
Offer value in every post you give and do not add your link until you have built up your credibility.
Take the time to do it properly and you will have people running over each other to get to your link.
They will come to you for advice.
You will have set yourself up as their expert, their authority figure that really cares about them and is willing to help.
That, my friend, is pure gold and worth the time to achieve.
The system: 1.
Find a forum, discussion board or group that focuses on the problem you are trying to solve.
Join it.
Do not add any links to your site.
Make valuable posts and let others know you care and are willing to give.
Once you feel that you have become an accepted solid member of the group, add your link to your site, but do not advertise it.
If you have done everything correctly, you will not need to.
People are going to this forum to look for advice.
They really want to click a link in your signature; in fact, they are desperate to.
They will click on it and see what you have to offer as long as you don't tell them to.
Put it in your signature, offer valuable advice and leave your link dangling in front of them.
Once they have seen enough of your posts, they won't be able to stand in any longer and will have to click on it.
This is just human nature at it's best.
But it takes so long! If you are serious about your business, and are starting it to be a long-lasting income generator, then taking the time to build things up right is the most important thing you can do for your business.
The time you put in now will pay off 10 fold in the years to come.
Scammers will come and go, but you will still be around reaping the rewards and building up not only your business, but your integrity as well.
Really, it is you that have to sleep with yourself at night.
You have to answer to yourself at the end of the day.
If you are serious about building a long-term business that runs along the same rails as your financial and ethical goals, then there is a lot of money to be made using this system; and this is how to generate massive traffic using forums, discussion boards and groups.
By implementing this simple strategy, you will become the go-to person in a group that is begging for answers and the money will flow freely and honestly.
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