Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Canada FSTP 2nd January 2013 Immigration for Migrants

With the opening of Canada FSTP 2nd January 2013 Immigration for Migrants Canadian government has struck the positive notes on the New Year's first working day. Although, the proposal for implementation of this scheme had been announced as early as August 2012, but there was a considerable curiosity among the immigrants in across the world due to the uncertainty factor that had been ruling the corridors of Canadian immigration ministry. The possible reason for this uncertainty was being quoted as clash between various quarters of parliament.  The immigration minister however was quite unmoved with all the controversy and he finally prevailed over all criticism to enact a radical scheme that will possibly change the direction of the migration policies of the country.

Most prominent feature of the new initiate is detaching of basic profession category from the mainstream federal skills immigration scheme, which has been marred by a substantial red tape that actually blocked all initiatives to fulfill the deficit of specialized workforce required by various economic components of national economy at federal and provincial level.

A substantial impact of this new introduction will be felt in the Canadian construction industry, which is currently ranked as the 5th largest construction industry in the world. As per the projected growth figures for 2020 huge numbers immigrant workers in blue collar profession will be required to
  • Fill up the places of ageing workforce
  • Work in the new opportunities and openings created by the expansion of this sector.

Even if we go by the present trends Federal Skilled Trade Program - Canada FSTP 2nd January 2013 presents incredible opportunities to employers. A very positive response has been registered from several industrial associations, groups, authorities and agencies etc. These agencies have termed establishment of specific professions class as a land mark implementation that will change the direction of overseas migrant selection strategy as it will be able to lay proper emphasis on all aspects and domains of immigration priorities of the country.

Appreciation of priorities will be helpful in providing requisite amount of uninterrupted input of overseas expertise in the required specializations and numbers. Currently there are several sectors, agencies and regions facing a severe shortage of requisite workforce. Availability of overseas trained human resources is critical to sustain productivity of various economic components of the economy as the domestic resources are not sufficient to cater to the varying and rising necessities of domestic labor pool.

New Canada FSTP 2nd January 2013 is a flight away from the conventional immigration strategies world over as it has been designed as basic trade centric scheme that will purely focus on fulfilling the needs and requirements in the specialized trades. 

The outline of the scheme has been synchronized with the requirements of traits required by a profile of migrants destined to serve in professions included in the lists and tabulations that are centric to the classification. 

The professions included in the tabulations of occupations have been extracted from federal required trades list – NOC and indicate clearly at the trends of the demands and aspirations of various sectors. The professions have been bifurcated as being at a reasonable demand level and at a severe deficit level.

Professions and trades in reasonable shortage have been tabulated in list A while the occupations that are experiencing extreme deficit have been listed in Tabulation B.

The most heartening fact about Canada FSTP 2nd January 2013 Immigration for Migrantsisthat Canadian government has been planned as rapid processing class that will be able to grant permits to applicants within one year of filing.
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