- 1). Visit the Arathi Highlands. You should already have the Arathi Highlands flight path if you're leveling or have leveled on the Eastern Kingdoms continent. Venture to the Wetlands, to the northeast of Ironforge, if you do not have the flight path. Follow the only road you come to. Do not stop until you come to a third fork in the road. Turn right at the fork and follow that road until you reach the Arathi Highlands. Continue on that road until you come to another fork. Turn left and follow the path until you reach Refuge Point.
- 2). Run along the southern road out of Refuge Point. Turn right when you come to a fork and continue on the path. Bypass the first and second fork on the path and turn right at the third. Follow that road until you arrive at Northfold Manor. Make your way directly to the west of Northfold Manor. You will see a dirt path leading to a large wall. Follow that path to a break in the wall and into the Hillsbrad Foothills. The path will end.
- 3). Travel to the southwest until you find another road. Take that road north past Eastpoint tower, which is controlled by the Horde. Do not stop anywhere near the tower because guards will run out and attempt to kill you.
- 4). Turn left once you reach a fork and then turn left at the next fork. You will arrive in the Ruins of Southshore.
- 1). Visit the Undercity. Take a Zeppelin to reach the Undercity, if you're in Orgrimmar.
- 2). Exit the Undercity and take the western road into Silverpine Forest. Follow the road into the Hillsbrad Foothills. The road runs all the way through Silverpine Forest, so it may take you a few minutes to reach Hillsbrad.
- 3). Ignore the first fork you come to in the Hillsbrad Foothills. Turn right at the second fork. This path will lead into the Ruins of Southshore.