The internet super highway is a great place to get all sorts of advice, not to mention most of the time it is the only place we get our advice. Although there is not a known cure for psoriasis there are a number of treatments that can help to ease the symptoms. Since I also suffer from psoriasis I have taken the liberty to analize 3 new psoriasis treatments that should be big in 2011. The most regular treatments for psoriasis are ointments and creams as such these will be the focus of this particular article. The 3 treatments are Dermasolve, Dermasis, and Psoral.
1. Psoral
Psoral cream was created by a doctor in Peru who first used it to fight the symptoms that the natives had. The ingredient that is most important is a pine resin that helps with the symptoms of psoriasis.
2. DermaSOLVE
With the prime ingredient in Dermasolve being an egg compound it is no wonder it is so popular on the market. Egg has always been a prime contender in the healthy skin market because it contains essential oils that help promote healthy skin growth. It also has salicylic acid which is known to exfoliate and remove excess skin cells.
3. Dermasis
Dermasis is another good product in our list of new psoriasis treatments. It includes natural ingredients such as vitamin E, palm oil, and tea tree oil. All of which promote health skin growth. It also has some of the components of the other 2 products. So this of course would be my favorite choice.
1. Psoral
Psoral cream was created by a doctor in Peru who first used it to fight the symptoms that the natives had. The ingredient that is most important is a pine resin that helps with the symptoms of psoriasis.
2. DermaSOLVE
With the prime ingredient in Dermasolve being an egg compound it is no wonder it is so popular on the market. Egg has always been a prime contender in the healthy skin market because it contains essential oils that help promote healthy skin growth. It also has salicylic acid which is known to exfoliate and remove excess skin cells.
3. Dermasis
Dermasis is another good product in our list of new psoriasis treatments. It includes natural ingredients such as vitamin E, palm oil, and tea tree oil. All of which promote health skin growth. It also has some of the components of the other 2 products. So this of course would be my favorite choice.