Business & Finance Personal Finance

Common Cents

I Am not writing as a expert but as a high school graduate, who worked any job I could find for 15 years, wife for 42 years, mother for 39 years and after working 27 years as a licensed practical nurse. My story is like many others just common sense approach to handling money, life and everything else that get thrown our way.

I graduated from high school in 1957 with high hope of getting a job and earning money to take care of myself and help my struggling parents. I had hopes of getting a small apartment that I could afford. When I finally landed a job as a usherette in a large movie theater, earning 75 cents per hour with take home after taxes and working 6 days per week of $37.00 per week I was on my way. I lived with family who did not charge me rent. I attended night school to learn office skills.

I got a better paying job making $1.00 an hour this time, this lasted several months when I was laid off I had not yet learned to save for my future. This was my first set back, I found myself out of work and out of money. I was blessed to have a wonderful family support system so I still had a home. I received $25.00 per week unemployment compensation and took care of my niece and nephews (4 children) for room and board. It was during this time that I did a complete inventory of what I had earned and where had it gone. I started a journal (small spiral note book) that I took everywhere I went and made entries of everything that I purchased and the cost down to the last penny. If I ever was in that situation again at least I would know where my money was spent. I learned how to save even with only $25.00 per week.

When I finally found a job that paid $265.00 per month I was the happiest person in the world. I immediately started to save money a little at a time. I purchased a $25.00 savings bond, cost of bond $18.75, once a month and saved $10.00 out of each paycheck which came twice monthly. I did finally get the little apartment for $65.00 per month.

Over the years 69 in all, I have learned a lot about many things most of them self taught. I am not an expert in anything but find myself researching everything that I get interested in doing. No mater what I need, I have learned to do research before I make a final decision to buy. We have the computer now it was a little more work back then we only had books and the knowledge of other people. I have had and accepted good advice from any one who was willing to share information with me. At 60, I taught myself to use the computer the same way I taught myself to save. I used information from family and friends to assist me in that adventure.

We raised our three children on one whole salary and my part time salary our high year of earning was around $60,000. We took our children on vacations at least once every year sometimes more. We found ways to save and still have a good time. Some of our vacations were Disney world, Disney Land, Hawaii twice, Canada, and many more. Some times flying and some of our trips were driving. Except for one vacation we always stayed at good hotels. One hotel was so awful my daughter wrote about it in one of her school essays. We had not planned ahead and when the hard rain came we had to take what was available for the night.

We helped to send our children to Universities and managed to buy and pay for two houses. We saved for cars and and buy some new and some resale. We retired early and live on our retirement and social security incomes. We have been blessed not to have to use our savings. We shop for bargains any where they can be found including thrift stores and yard sales.

I believe in saving and living within the income that we receive. I believe that credit cards should only be used to purchase what we needs and to pay it off every month. We buy good quality merchandise that will last but to buy after shopping around. We do not sacrafice comfort, good food, or things that we need. I believe that if we can do this anyone can it takes time, planning and patience. I had love of family, accepted advice from where ever it came and I have been blessed.
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