One of the more interesting dynamics to watch in all of Hollywood is the one between celebrities and the photographer Los Angeles movie stars seem to abhor. People are always wondering why famous people complain about paparazzi and then act so happy when the photographers are around. The relationship between the picture takers and their famous subjects is definitely a love/hate arrangement that will not be going away any time soon.
The hate part of this relationship is easy to see. When the photographer Los Angeles celebrities is trying to avoid manages to get a candid shot published in a magazine or on a website, it can be considered an invasion of that person's privacy. The argument that the paparazzi use is that a public figure gives up his private life when he starts to make large amounts of money in movies or doing other very public jobs. That may be true, but it is certainly not the way the celebrities see it.
On the other hand, the photographer Los Angeles stars never want to see is also the person that keeps those stars relevant. It is true that there is no such thing as bad publicity. When the paparazzi take an interest in you, it is because you have done something that is relevant to the public. The photographers do not care if your acts have been positive or negative, they just want to make a few bucks off of taking your picture.
A movie star needs public attention to keep people going to his movies. The kind of photographer Los Angeles movie stars need is the one that gets those candid pictures that people absolutely have to see. It can seem like an inconvenience and even an invasion of someone's personal time, but celebrities also know that the paparazzi help to sell movie tickets and record albums as well. If the famous people want to stay famous, then they must remain in the public eye.
A rich and famous person has ways of getting out of the public eye if he really wants to. When you see a celebrity seemingly accosted on a public street by picture takers while eating at a restaurant, think twice before you cast dispersions on the photographers. It very well could be that they were invited there by the celebrity to get some pre-planned candid shots to help the celebrity promote his next movie or increase sales on the album that he has just released.
The hate part of this relationship is easy to see. When the photographer Los Angeles celebrities is trying to avoid manages to get a candid shot published in a magazine or on a website, it can be considered an invasion of that person's privacy. The argument that the paparazzi use is that a public figure gives up his private life when he starts to make large amounts of money in movies or doing other very public jobs. That may be true, but it is certainly not the way the celebrities see it.
On the other hand, the photographer Los Angeles stars never want to see is also the person that keeps those stars relevant. It is true that there is no such thing as bad publicity. When the paparazzi take an interest in you, it is because you have done something that is relevant to the public. The photographers do not care if your acts have been positive or negative, they just want to make a few bucks off of taking your picture.
A movie star needs public attention to keep people going to his movies. The kind of photographer Los Angeles movie stars need is the one that gets those candid pictures that people absolutely have to see. It can seem like an inconvenience and even an invasion of someone's personal time, but celebrities also know that the paparazzi help to sell movie tickets and record albums as well. If the famous people want to stay famous, then they must remain in the public eye.
A rich and famous person has ways of getting out of the public eye if he really wants to. When you see a celebrity seemingly accosted on a public street by picture takers while eating at a restaurant, think twice before you cast dispersions on the photographers. It very well could be that they were invited there by the celebrity to get some pre-planned candid shots to help the celebrity promote his next movie or increase sales on the album that he has just released.