- Transferring a book to audio book is a good way to combine your interests in performance and literature. With the availability of cheap technology and online distribution, you can create and distribute your audio book relatively cheaply. In choosing a book to transfer to audio book, you should find a book that is out-of-copyright. The copyright has expired on all books written in the 19th century and earlier.
- Performance notes are vital to transferring books to audio book format. The reader should read the book two or three times, each time making performance notes. As the performer reads the passage, she might struggle with the enunciation of difficult words or names and the tone or pace of passages, so the notes are a reliable resource for recording.
- To record an audio book, you will need editing software, a microphone, and a recording device. You might consider renting a recording studio and hiring a professional producer for the recording of the audio book. A number of computer editing programs, including Audacity, Apple Logic Express, and Sony Vegas Pro, are available which provide a good value with a professional veneer. In addition to a standard microphone, you can use your laptop or an external recording device to record the audio book.
- Distributing your audio book will be important for reaping the rewards of your work and maximizing your audience. You can burn your audio book to blank CDs and distribute them at physical stores. Additionally, distribute them online at websites, iTunes, and other music distribution sites. You will need to open an account in order to sell material on iTunes.
Performance Notes
Recording Equipment
Distribution Resources