Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Dentist Office Whitening Options

In addition to preventative exams and over all tooth and mouth care, dentists can provide some cosmetic enhancements.
The most popular today is teeth whitening.
There are two professional procedures that will provide great results: in-office treatment and take-home kits.
While you will obtain noticeable results for both, weighing the benefits of these procedures can help you choose which will be best suited to you.
The in-office treatment is the most costly.
It is done in one appointment, and it may be a smidgen uncomfortable.
You will first go through a regular cleaning, which will be followed by a scrub with pumice like substance.
The gel that is used for the procedure is activated by heat and light, so you will sit with your mouth propped open with tools and gauze for up to an hour as the whitening agents are activated, and while it may produce a slightly odd feeling for a time, you get ultimate results with one appointment.
The down side to the in-office option is that because results are not permanent, you will have to undergo the procedure again, perhaps up to once a year, if you want to maintain your smile.
The second option is to obtain a professional take-home kit from your dentist.
You will have one involved appointment during which you are fitted for custom mouth trays.
The dentist will make a ceramic replica of your teeth, which will be used to make the custom plastic trays.
Generally the mouth model is sent out of the office to a lab that makes the tray molds, and while waiting for the trays to return is considered a downside of this option, once your trays are made they can be used for years to come.
While at first glance, this option may seem almost as costly, it is important to note that the initial payment involves the cost of making the custom trays.
The gel that will be sent is home relatively inexpensive, and once you have overcome the initial expense, you can continually maintain your smile at home for just the cost of a touch up gel kit.
The main differences in the procedures are that with the in-office, you will pay a lager fee each time that you undergo the procedure.
The results are instant and more noticeable.
The take home kit involves a onetime steep cost for making your tray molds, but you can repeat the procedure as often as desired or necessary by only purchasing an inexpensive touch up kit.
The at-home kit works over several applications over a period of a few weeks.
Noticeable results are also achieved.
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