Society & Culture & Entertainment Music


@HOT944 Is Giving Talented MCs The Chance To Win Heavy Radio Play & A Major Record Deal! For More Info Contact Us Via Over $50,000 At Stake!The good thing about this contest is EVERYBODY is a winner!!!Check out one of the best and newest radio stations in South Florida!We don't just air in Florida! We love all of our international listeners too! Tune in to! HOT 94.4 FM Hip Hop & R&B has celebrated over 50,000+ listeners in 1 month! For a new radio station less than 2 months old, that is an AWESOME accomplishment!In Other News:"FOR all the talk about satellite radio, the most vibrant frontier in radio may be the Web. Many traditional AM and FM stations have begun streaming on the Internet, along with hundreds of smaller online-only operators. Even subscription download services like Napster, Rhapsody and Urge from MTV have pre-programmed radio for users who are not in the mood to hunt for tracks.Currently, the most compelling online radio is interactive. Services like Pandora, and Slacker evaluate your musical tastes, then serve up a continuous stream of programming to match. They mix familiar songs with new material you might like. They all do it by harnessing the technological forces of social networking, data mining and music analysis, though each uses a slightly different technique.Tags: HOT 94.4 FM,, Hot944fm,, EAE Management Group, E-man's Angels, emansangels, emans angels, hip hop radio stations, florida radio stations, fla radio stations, free record deals, get free radio play, submit music to radio, hip hop radio campaigns, hip hop, radio stations in florida, most popular radio stations, radio station contests, hot944 radio, eaemanagement, advertise on radio free, free radio advertising,

Read More Here Via The New York Times: [] majority of small businesses are not high flying tech companies or web savvy start ups. They're largely traditional companies in low tech industries. And that's the audience Brent Leary and Michael Thomas set out to reach when they launched their radio show, 'Technology For Business Sake (TFBS)'. And how did they find their audience? Through keyword research, of course.It is really hard for me to believe that for the past 52 weeks I've said the words "Welcome to another edition of Technology For Business Sake (TFBS)". TFBS is a weekly hour long radio show on the first 24 hour business talk radio station in Atlanta Ga. I can honestly say I had no idea of what my co-host Michael Thomas and I were getting into when we discussed the idea of a radio show aimed at helping small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) understand all the things going on in technology didn't have a clue as to how it would be received.
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