What God has done is to hide into the words of His Scripture, countless numbers of key teachings concerning His Messiah. Moreover these hidden teachings are absolutely applicable to and in context with the words in which they're overlaid.
It's possible you'll be asking, So, what does this mean to me? The following analogy will help to explain and put things into perspective.
Here is the text of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America: it contains 228 letters when the spaces are omitted.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
Now visualize arranging the letters of this text in ten neatly placeed columns having a total of 28 rows. Now also imagine that when the text is fixed this way we see the phrases, absolute religious toleration, right to make speeches, no censorship of the freedom of the press, open radio programming, freedom of association and five other similar phrases encrypted into and running diagonally, vertically horizontally throughout the body of this amendment. What we have therefore will be a surface or original text overlaid and encrypted with contextually applicable phrases. This would be a masterwork of encoding and in fact quite impossible to do I know because I tried to do it. There is no way all these text can be encrypted into the text of this amendment without shifting the letters of the surface text.
But lets pretend just for a moment that indeed some master encryption genius did figure out a way.
Now lets come forward 210 years and one day these incredible encryptions are found. Besides the enormous hub-bub this would cause in the press wed be also able to make a two obvious points.
1.the text was deliberately constructed this way to include the encryptions
2.the encryptor i.e., the encryption designer exists.
Obvious? of course its obvious!
Who would be silly enough to try to argue differently? the evidence is overwhelming!
Now, in a comparable way, what God has done is to embed into the text of His Scripture, countless numbers of key teachings relating to The messiah of israel. Moreover these inserted teachings are absolutely relevant to the text in which they are overlaid an impossible task for man or personal computer alike. But God is the God of the impossible.
Its even hard to claim authorship of Finding Messiah. Indeed, I had nothing to do with the encrypting of the text. In fact today, the most accomplished cryptologist could not begin to copy what the Creator has done.
All I have discovered is the encryption technique that reveals Gods teachings. AND..., IM NOT EVEN SURE THIS DISCOVERY WAS, IN FACT, MY DISOVERY! God most likely just led me to see His crypto-logical process - to actually see what eye has not ever seen.
One thing is for certain God is revealing these issues in this time and in this place and in at this moment in history. He is continually impressing upon me the need to get His teachings into the hands of people every where. I can only wonder as to why there seems to be such urgency. But you dear reader can speculate these things for yourself. Perhaps God will one day address this unanswered question as well - Perhaps not.
If you would like to read the pre-publication copy of Finding Messiah for free you may do so by visiting our blog http://www.findingmessiah.blogspot.com.
Please spread the word and use the blog to to write back to me. Your welcomed comment will encourage me and also help to get the word out on the search engines.
God bless you always, John Boylan.
It's possible you'll be asking, So, what does this mean to me? The following analogy will help to explain and put things into perspective.
Here is the text of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America: it contains 228 letters when the spaces are omitted.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
Now visualize arranging the letters of this text in ten neatly placeed columns having a total of 28 rows. Now also imagine that when the text is fixed this way we see the phrases, absolute religious toleration, right to make speeches, no censorship of the freedom of the press, open radio programming, freedom of association and five other similar phrases encrypted into and running diagonally, vertically horizontally throughout the body of this amendment. What we have therefore will be a surface or original text overlaid and encrypted with contextually applicable phrases. This would be a masterwork of encoding and in fact quite impossible to do I know because I tried to do it. There is no way all these text can be encrypted into the text of this amendment without shifting the letters of the surface text.
But lets pretend just for a moment that indeed some master encryption genius did figure out a way.
Now lets come forward 210 years and one day these incredible encryptions are found. Besides the enormous hub-bub this would cause in the press wed be also able to make a two obvious points.
1.the text was deliberately constructed this way to include the encryptions
2.the encryptor i.e., the encryption designer exists.
Obvious? of course its obvious!
Who would be silly enough to try to argue differently? the evidence is overwhelming!
Now, in a comparable way, what God has done is to embed into the text of His Scripture, countless numbers of key teachings relating to The messiah of israel. Moreover these inserted teachings are absolutely relevant to the text in which they are overlaid an impossible task for man or personal computer alike. But God is the God of the impossible.
Its even hard to claim authorship of Finding Messiah. Indeed, I had nothing to do with the encrypting of the text. In fact today, the most accomplished cryptologist could not begin to copy what the Creator has done.
All I have discovered is the encryption technique that reveals Gods teachings. AND..., IM NOT EVEN SURE THIS DISCOVERY WAS, IN FACT, MY DISOVERY! God most likely just led me to see His crypto-logical process - to actually see what eye has not ever seen.
One thing is for certain God is revealing these issues in this time and in this place and in at this moment in history. He is continually impressing upon me the need to get His teachings into the hands of people every where. I can only wonder as to why there seems to be such urgency. But you dear reader can speculate these things for yourself. Perhaps God will one day address this unanswered question as well - Perhaps not.
If you would like to read the pre-publication copy of Finding Messiah for free you may do so by visiting our blog http://www.findingmessiah.blogspot.com.
Please spread the word and use the blog to to write back to me. Your welcomed comment will encourage me and also help to get the word out on the search engines.
God bless you always, John Boylan.