Following are the rules for the Photography Assignment Contests. These rules are designed to give as many people as possible a chance to participate in the assignments.
Assignment entries must be posted by completing the entry form linked from each assignment. There is also a thread in the forums for discussion of the assignment and questions about the assignment. This thread will also be linked from the assignment announcement.
Images must be under 5MB in size in order to be accepted. We prefer images be no larger than 1000 pixels on the longest side because we have many readers with dial up internet service. No frames or borders may be added to images. The only text that can be added to your images are copyright notices.
How to Resize an Image Using Adobe PhotoShop Elements
How to Resize an Image Using ACDSee 10
Images can be cropped, sharpened, color adjusted, and other minor adjustments. Spot color and other manipulations that can not be accomplished through the use of a filter are not allowed. Items may not be cloned out nor may backgrounds be changed. Images may not be collages or blends of more than one image, this includes HDR images.
Each person is allowed 4 entries per assignment. However, no more than 1 entry per person can win or place as a finalist per assignment.
Assignment entries MUST be marked with an entry number in the "write a caption" field on your entry.
As each entrant is allowed 4 entries you MUST mark your entries such as "Entry 1" or "Entry 2". Only one change of entry per assignment will be allowed. If you decide to change an entry you must submit a new form with the phrase "NEW entry #" in the "write a caption" field.
Assignments run for one calendar month, from the 1st to the last day of the month. Assignment deadlines are 10PM Eastern time on the last day of the assignment month.
Entries for the assignment contest must have been taken during the contest period.
By entering a photo in an assignment you certify that the image is yours and that you own the copyright of the photos. You further give permission for all photos entered to be used in accordance with the terms of service.
All images must be work safe and comply with the terms of service. Any image that does not meet this guideline will be deleted.
If any identifiable people are in your photograph you must have a model release on file that can be emailed/faxed/mailed to, Inc. at any time upon request.
By entering a photo in an assignment you certify that you have read and will abide by the terms of service.
Entry Location
Assignment entries must be posted by completing the entry form linked from each assignment. There is also a thread in the forums for discussion of the assignment and questions about the assignment. This thread will also be linked from the assignment announcement.
Image Size
Images must be under 5MB in size in order to be accepted. We prefer images be no larger than 1000 pixels on the longest side because we have many readers with dial up internet service. No frames or borders may be added to images. The only text that can be added to your images are copyright notices.
How to Resize an Image Using Adobe PhotoShop Elements
How to Resize an Image Using ACDSee 10
Digital Manipulation
Images can be cropped, sharpened, color adjusted, and other minor adjustments. Spot color and other manipulations that can not be accomplished through the use of a filter are not allowed. Items may not be cloned out nor may backgrounds be changed. Images may not be collages or blends of more than one image, this includes HDR images.
Number of Entries
Each person is allowed 4 entries per assignment. However, no more than 1 entry per person can win or place as a finalist per assignment.
Image Labeling
Assignment entries MUST be marked with an entry number in the "write a caption" field on your entry.
As each entrant is allowed 4 entries you MUST mark your entries such as "Entry 1" or "Entry 2". Only one change of entry per assignment will be allowed. If you decide to change an entry you must submit a new form with the phrase "NEW entry #" in the "write a caption" field.
Assignment Time Limits
Assignments run for one calendar month, from the 1st to the last day of the month. Assignment deadlines are 10PM Eastern time on the last day of the assignment month.
Entries for the assignment contest must have been taken during the contest period.
By entering a photo in an assignment you certify that the image is yours and that you own the copyright of the photos. You further give permission for all photos entered to be used in accordance with the terms of service.
Image Content
All images must be work safe and comply with the terms of service. Any image that does not meet this guideline will be deleted.
Model Release
If any identifiable people are in your photograph you must have a model release on file that can be emailed/faxed/mailed to, Inc. at any time upon request.
Terms of Service
By entering a photo in an assignment you certify that you have read and will abide by the terms of service.