Genital herpes is an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
The causative organism are the herpes simplex viruses types 1 and type 2.
The type 1 forms cold sores on the face, lips and mouth but can also cause the blisters on the genitals.
The type 2 is the primary cause of genital sores.
It is possible to transmit the virus from a cold sore to the genitals.
This can occur if proper hand washing precautions are not taken or spread through genital or oral sexual contact.
The virus does not have to be active to be transmitted.
The blisters do not have to be present for the disease to be transmitted to a partner.
Some natural home remedies are: 1.
A soothing warm bath with Epsom salts or sea salt will soothe muscles and has the possibility of shortening the period that recovery takes.
While the bath may be soothing, it also has the potential of shedding some skin and spreading the herpes to other parts of the body.
A shower may be practical.
Be sure to thoroughly clean the shower if you share it with another person that does not have herpes.
Using soap and warm water also has a calming effect on the lesions.
By keeping the areas that have lesions, you are preventing the spread of infection.
Soap is always useful to keep infections in place.
This will imitate the same sensation as a warm bath without consuming as much time.
Throughout the generations, a variety of powders have been recommended for soothing and drying properties.
Cornstarch and baking powder are readily available for use.
They will help keep the area dry, thus promoting healing.
Domeboro powder is another over-the-counter medication that has astringent properties, heals many rashes, athlete's food, dries, and heals sores from herpes very quickly.
A cotton ball with the powders on it can be used to pat on the areas.
This will dry them out and decrease the itching associated with herpes sores.
The refreshing cup of tea you may enjoy has another benefit.
That black tea bag can sooth the sores of genital herpes.
There is tannin in tea and it has been known for many years that it soothes sunburn.
It has also been found to soothe flare-ups.
Place the tea bag in water hot enough to infuse the tea bag.
Immediately cool the tea bag and place the cooled black tea bag on the sores.
The medicinal value of aloe vera is well known.
It has been documented since 1750 B.
Treatment for outbreaks is similar to that for sunburn.
Apply the gel from the aloe vera plant directly to the sores and allow it to dry.
As with all of the mentioned items, it is necessary to keep the area dry to decrease the healing time.
The cooling effects of the aloe soothe the area and help healing.
If you had the flu, your physician would recommend rest.
This is a common order for anyone that is ill.
It also applies to herpes flare-ups.
When the dormant virus rears its head and a breakout occurs, resting and allowing your body to regenerate will help.
While it may not make the pain or itching go away, it will allow your body to concentrate on the healing process.
Do not participate in activities that are wearing on your body.
Avoid exercise or other physical exertion during the flare-up.
Stress has many negative effects on the body.
Whether the stress is from a relationship, a job or a final exam, it can damage your immune system.
You may eventually notice that your outbreaks are usually connected to a lot of stress.
No one can completely avoid stress, but learning how to relieve it will help with your herpes outbreaks.
Your immune system helps keep the virus and other illnesses in check.
Stress management is a valuable tool to reduce how often your outbreaks may occur.
Stress management through daily meditation or other relaxation techniques is very valuable to the patient with herpes simplex.
It has been repeatedly suggested that the area of the breakout be kept clean and dry.
Your clothing can be an important factor in keeping dry.
Cotton is a breathable fabric that should be used to cover the area of the sores.
Avoiding tight fitting pants is also advisable.
It can help to make the breakout less frequent and shorter in duration.
Summary The remedies listed above will naturally suppress and prevent your herpes outbreaks without prescription drug intervention.
Imagine if you could eradicate all your outbreaks without the harmful side effects of pharmaceutical drugs? Their is a new antiviral medicine on the market that uses certified organic ingredients backed by clinical studies that actually kills the herpes virus on contact.
People are saying Mediviral works better than prescription drugs while boosting your immune system with rapid healing and reductions in breakouts.
The causative organism are the herpes simplex viruses types 1 and type 2.
The type 1 forms cold sores on the face, lips and mouth but can also cause the blisters on the genitals.
The type 2 is the primary cause of genital sores.
It is possible to transmit the virus from a cold sore to the genitals.
This can occur if proper hand washing precautions are not taken or spread through genital or oral sexual contact.
The virus does not have to be active to be transmitted.
The blisters do not have to be present for the disease to be transmitted to a partner.
Some natural home remedies are: 1.
A soothing warm bath with Epsom salts or sea salt will soothe muscles and has the possibility of shortening the period that recovery takes.
While the bath may be soothing, it also has the potential of shedding some skin and spreading the herpes to other parts of the body.
A shower may be practical.
Be sure to thoroughly clean the shower if you share it with another person that does not have herpes.
Using soap and warm water also has a calming effect on the lesions.
By keeping the areas that have lesions, you are preventing the spread of infection.
Soap is always useful to keep infections in place.
This will imitate the same sensation as a warm bath without consuming as much time.
Throughout the generations, a variety of powders have been recommended for soothing and drying properties.
Cornstarch and baking powder are readily available for use.
They will help keep the area dry, thus promoting healing.
Domeboro powder is another over-the-counter medication that has astringent properties, heals many rashes, athlete's food, dries, and heals sores from herpes very quickly.
A cotton ball with the powders on it can be used to pat on the areas.
This will dry them out and decrease the itching associated with herpes sores.
The refreshing cup of tea you may enjoy has another benefit.
That black tea bag can sooth the sores of genital herpes.
There is tannin in tea and it has been known for many years that it soothes sunburn.
It has also been found to soothe flare-ups.
Place the tea bag in water hot enough to infuse the tea bag.
Immediately cool the tea bag and place the cooled black tea bag on the sores.
The medicinal value of aloe vera is well known.
It has been documented since 1750 B.
Treatment for outbreaks is similar to that for sunburn.
Apply the gel from the aloe vera plant directly to the sores and allow it to dry.
As with all of the mentioned items, it is necessary to keep the area dry to decrease the healing time.
The cooling effects of the aloe soothe the area and help healing.
If you had the flu, your physician would recommend rest.
This is a common order for anyone that is ill.
It also applies to herpes flare-ups.
When the dormant virus rears its head and a breakout occurs, resting and allowing your body to regenerate will help.
While it may not make the pain or itching go away, it will allow your body to concentrate on the healing process.
Do not participate in activities that are wearing on your body.
Avoid exercise or other physical exertion during the flare-up.
Stress has many negative effects on the body.
Whether the stress is from a relationship, a job or a final exam, it can damage your immune system.
You may eventually notice that your outbreaks are usually connected to a lot of stress.
No one can completely avoid stress, but learning how to relieve it will help with your herpes outbreaks.
Your immune system helps keep the virus and other illnesses in check.
Stress management is a valuable tool to reduce how often your outbreaks may occur.
Stress management through daily meditation or other relaxation techniques is very valuable to the patient with herpes simplex.
It has been repeatedly suggested that the area of the breakout be kept clean and dry.
Your clothing can be an important factor in keeping dry.
Cotton is a breathable fabric that should be used to cover the area of the sores.
Avoiding tight fitting pants is also advisable.
It can help to make the breakout less frequent and shorter in duration.
Summary The remedies listed above will naturally suppress and prevent your herpes outbreaks without prescription drug intervention.
Imagine if you could eradicate all your outbreaks without the harmful side effects of pharmaceutical drugs? Their is a new antiviral medicine on the market that uses certified organic ingredients backed by clinical studies that actually kills the herpes virus on contact.
People are saying Mediviral works better than prescription drugs while boosting your immune system with rapid healing and reductions in breakouts.