- 1). Place a standard three-tab shingle face down on a flat surface. Line up one side of the square with the long edge of the shingle. Line up the other side with the center between two tabs -- 12 inches from one end of the shingle.
- 2). Score the line with the utility knife. Bend the shingle to break it across the score line. Repeat until you have all the individual tabs you need to cover the ridge. To determine the quantity you need, divide the total ridge length in inches by 5. Each ridge shingle will have 5 inches exposed.
- 3). Use the chalk line to snap a line 6 inches down from each side of the ridge. Use these lines to guide the placement of the ridge shingles.
- 4). Start at the end opposite the direction from which the wind most often blows. If you start at the other end, the wind can catch the underside of the shingles and damage them. Place the first tab down, even with the edge of the roof. Bend it gently over the top of the ridge so it lines up with the chalk lines, 6 inches on each side of the roof. If the nails from the shingles beneath the ridge tabs are exposed, you will need extra shingle rows before doing the ridge. Otherwise, nails will be exposed to the elements and the roof will leak.
- 5). Drive a roofing nail on each side of the shingle, 5 5/8 inches from its exposed end and 1 inch from its edge. This is approximately the same location where a standard shingle is nailed.
- 6). Place the next ridge shingle so it overlaps the first ridge shingle, leaving 5 inches exposed. Nail the rest of the ridge shingles following this procedure.
- 7). Trim the last shingle to fit the edge of the roof, using the utility knife. Nail the last ridge shingle into position. Apply roofing cement on top of the exposed nail heads.